Filleting/Boning knife

2 whole different games mate.

Boning knives are concave blades at the hilt for scraping bones clean. They are very rigid!

Fish filleting knives are very, very flexable. (more flexy than a credit card). This is so you can get the blade flat to the board when removing skin.(bend it like a plastic ruler)
If it's just chicken (or other poultry) then there's no need for a boning knife. You could do that with any general purpose knife (Cook's, Paring etc.). If you're trying to strip the carcass of a large animal or bone-out large cuts of meat then a specialist knife might be useful, but I don't think you're going to get value for money if you're jointing chicken.

Buy the filleting knife. Forget the boning knife for now, it's nothing special really.
Check out tk maxx picked up some nice Kai knives the other day £15-£20 each for knives that online where £40-£70+
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