Filling and Bleeding a loop - Few questions

17 Dec 2004
Just wanted to confirm a few things really. I am getting an aquatube and debating whether to have it horizontaly in the 5.25 bays or mounted vertically in the top of the case. I am not sure what would be best for filling the loop?? If I have it top mounted then I assume I just fill the thing up, but if its horizontal then I have to tip the case back everytime I want to fill it, so could I use a Dangerden fillport for this as I really do like the aquabay you can get for mounting it horizontal.

Also was wondering about bleeding the system, is this done via the radiator? As I seem to remember that someone said there is a bleed valve or something on the PA 120.3?? In my loop this would be at the bottom of the loop so would be handy if I can bleed from the radiator.

it might be easier if you have pics of the system in question / diagram of where the components are... bleeding normaly gets done fromt the lowest part of the system, in my case the rad is mounted on the back, with the inlets at the bottom. so its easier for me to drain from the radiator.

its different for every system though

pics / diagram please :)
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