Film processing and scanning

3 Jun 2003
I want to give film a go, probably with a second hand Canon 33 or similar camera so that I can use all my EF lenses, or maybe with an older Canon with a couple of cheap FD lenses.

The initial idea was to get a second hand medium format setup with one lens I could use for landscapes but its all more expensive than I fancy at this time.

Anyway, this means I am going to need to things, a place that will process my film and a scanner. I don't fancy getting prints of everything I shoot.

Your guidance on both a processing lab to use and recommended scanner that wont break the bank will be greatly appreciated.

PS: I will need the lab to process only and to ship to Gibraltar.
I'm thinking I could give the scanner at my photographic society's premises a go. Its meant to be good only a bit battered from being used by many people.

Thanks for the tips. I like your b&w results simian. Just ordered a red filter myself :)

I want to get the finest b&w film I can, ISO 50, but the only one is Ilford Pan F Plus, which I am not sure can be processed 'normally' or needs to be sent to some special lab.
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