Film/TV stars you dislike and why.

11 Nov 2002
Someone asked me why I haven't watched Mayor of Kingstown in another thread, which lead to this...

Jeremy Renner
Dislike level: Irrational, but not hatred.

No real solid reason, I just look at him and think "Sidekick". Always the Bridesmaid but never the Bride etc etc. :D

Obviously in the Avengers he plays the weakest of the team, and is really just there to make up the numbers! He was great in Hurt Locker, but then they tried to make him an action star which didn't really work for me (Bourne and Mission Impossible). I mean Mission Impossible isn't Oscar winning material, but he just looked out of his depth compared to the other characters. Pure sidekick :D. Even in the Tv show named after his character "Hawkeye" he plays second fiddle to Hailee Steinfeld.

Off course at some point I will have nothing to watch and will try out Mayor of Kingstown and realise it's rated 8.2 on IMDB purely due to Jeremy :)

p.s. Try not to get too personal, this is just a bit of fun!

p.p.s. Off course I know he is a good actor in his own right, but these days we have soo many options for Movie and TV entertainment, we can afford to be fussy and irrational!

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Adam Sandler - never found him at all funny.
Whilst the point of this thread isn't to change people's minds, check out his more serious films on Netflix.

Back on topic:

Michelle Rodriguez.

She never smiles. Disliked her ever since she was kicked off the show Lost.

Turned off Dungeons and Dragons half way through, probably her fault.

Apparentlyt they BOTH have it, hence the problems filming and wny their fights in their films always ends not with them beaing beaten but the other leaving or running or escpaing the scene. Basically means from now on all their films have nothingin them, you know they are invincible etc.
Though Vin is also a coloollsal arse by all accounts.
I did a bit of googling and I stand corrected! Didn't read the full details, but enough search results implying Vin, DJ and Jason Statham have contracts where they never lose fights in all their films! I just assumed it was a Fast seri4es thing but it seems in all their films!

Absolutely Jabroni move, by all 3 of them, and largely pointless. They all have big enough fanbases that their fans would not care that much (imo), if they lost a fake fight in a fictitious movie!

Didnt know about Stathem.....isnt one of the core things in Hero type cinema is seeing the good guy beaten early on to see how he makes a come back?, hell even Arnie and Sly didnt shy away from their most famous characgters taking a kicking on screen so we could havea trianing montage for them to kick ass later.
Its why Black Adam was so awful..nothing could really worry him...evenm when he was " beaten" in that film it was because "Ohh its for the best I give up".
Exactly. The rocky films are a great example, even the Spiderman films as well.

I must confess I will watch The Rock films in a new light now, but I will still watch them nonetheless :D

Tyrese Gibson
Dislike level: Irrational, but not hatred.

Never liked his music. Plays the same type of joker character in all his films. Granted mainly thats Fast films and Transformers, but still! Seems like the type of guy who just likes to hang off the shirt tails of other actors and singers.
Get the feeling if he ever went to a hood he would get beat up, or robbed at the very least. :D Now I think about it, quite a lot of punchable-faces/useless-actors in the Fast films. Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez and Tyrese Gibson.

Rebel Wllson and Ruby Rose. (added them both together as they're Australian and female).
Dislike level: Irrational, punchable.

Both just seem super smug and arrogant to me even though they have achieved very little, imo. Definitely feel like punching the screen when they are on. Pitch Perfect 2 was particularly hard to get through with both of them in it.

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