Film with the best soundtrack?

25 May 2004
Which film do you think has the best soundtrack?

Personally I think hackers, even knowing the film was very fake, I really enjoyed it, and the soundtrack fits brilliantly.

Which is it for you?
I really liked the Donnie Darko soundtrack, some classic tracks on it. Dumb and Dumber had quite a fun soundtrack. I'm trying to avoid the cliche that is mentioning a Tarantino film. ;)

I think it can make a film much more enjoyable when they have selected an excellent soundtrack to go with it, even if a few songs are a bit naff.
HumanShield said:

"Dare, dare to believe you can survive." :cool:

Are you talking about original soundtrack, choice of songs for a soundtrack, or both?

As far as original soundtracks are concerned "Last Of The Mohicans" is stunning.

'Dazed And Confused' is certainly a favourite of mine.
I'd have to say American Beauty. It's certainly not full of number one hits or even famous songs/tunes but some of the tracks are just fantastic.
Top Guns got quite a good one, especially the opening sequence.

Also quite like the Kill Bill: Volume 1 soundtrack.

StarWars would also be up there, any of the films, the score is always great.

Woulld be a struggle to pick and absolute favourite - but would probably be StarWars because the soundtrack is such a significant part of the atmosphere in those films.
Gilly said:
Rocky needs a mention.

As do Platoon and Apocalypse Now.

How on earth did I overlook these gems?

UKDTweak said:
The Crow, loved the soundtrack so much, i bought it.

Me too. :D It's a pity the sequels weren't up to very much.

Off topic/ If this applied to TV series, My Name Is Earl and The Sopranos would be up there as well.
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