Films you know off by heart

15 Jan 2004
You know, ones you've seen so many times that you know every single line of dialogue (word perfect) before the actors say them and you can pretty much 'play it through in your head' if you so desire.

Terminator 2 for me!
All of Tarantino
The Matrix
The Fast and the Furious - so annoyingly simple to remember
Robin Hood Prince of Thieves :o I was young, it's the only excuse I have
Lilo and Stitch
The Lion King :(
Dude, Where's My Car? - loathe the film but seem to know it all
Taxi Driver
The Silence of the Lambs
Forgot about Freddie Got Fingered and Ace Ventura.
I know those two off by heart too although not remembering they exist probably won't go a long way towards pursuading you of that :p
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