Films you want a sequel to?

16 Feb 2010
North East England
Sequels are not always a welcome addition to our beloved films. The Highlander should have been a standalone classic, and The Matrix was nearly ruined by its successors.

A relatively recent film that I would love to revisit would be District 9. I didn't love the film like some, but I did enjoy it, plus I felt that there was great scope for a follow up.

The question is, at a time when we are flooded by sequels, which film would you like to revisit and continue with the story?
Batman & Robin.

Get Arnie, Uma and george back in the tight leather and crowdsource the puns - in fact the entire script should be either one-liners, puns or musical.

Well, I guess we may as well add Masters of the Universe to that and cram Dolph back into his outfit :D

Probably Event Horizin, just so they can *explain/confirm the *ambiguous/completely unambiguous ending

*delete as appropriate

Event Horizon deserves a great sequel, would love to see that happen.
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