Filter Top by httpd

18 May 2010
As title, silly really as I have been looking on Google for the best part of two hours and cant find the answer to something so simple that should be a very common question.

I want to filter Top by the HTTPD process.

Any ideas?

I know it's possible as I have seen the other Linux admin do it, but I dont now the right key sequence. (he's not here)
Use htop - much better visually.

Or after an extremely complicated google search:

Obviously I looked at that site. The reason why I couldn't figure it out was because with Top you have to filter by the user running the process.

I was trying to filter by process name rather than user 'Apache'.

Wasn't aware of this until someone told me.


User process to me sounded like the 'user' that was running the process (in a domain environment) didn't put two and two together.

Nooby mistake. :cool:
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