Filtering through heavy London traffic on a large bike

Didn't watch all of it but surely going on the outside like that is dangerous? Theres part where he goes outside over a crossing and at a junction, people don't pay attention at the best of times. Seems careless to me imo
Looks retarded, cutting up drivers a lot, being quite close to their vehicles, and crossing a turning and junction on the outside lane.. yerrr. I don't drive so I am un aware of just what this is like but from that vid it just seems a bit pants tbh.
I agree the filtering past on outside off junction is pretty dumb... if the car you were just passing had sped a little and swung right you would have been off

I think if you are gonna filter on a junction due to stationary traffic do it in the middle
Looks like pretty standard London filering to me. Sure it's not pretty, but if it's not done then they face doubling their time to and from work every day.
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