FINAL FANTASY® XIV: A Realm Reborn - Yay or Nay?

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
I have been trying to get into an MMO for a while, Star Citizen is my next hope, but the above is on sale today. Is it worth £10 to give it a shot?

Lineage 2 - My all time fave in it's day
WoW - Loved
GW2 - Enjoyed, but bored fast
I play it with my other half.

I have to say for me it lacks a lot of content and the loot and monster models are so reused again and again that it knocks the shine off it for me.

It also has limited voice acting which annoys me slightly as some quests I get bored of reading so much text and tend to skip through.

The multiclass system is interesting.

If my other half didn't like it so much I would not play it.

My favourate MMO of all time is probably EQ1, SWTOR I enjoyed my class quests and then stopped playing, GW2 I got bored, Rift I got bored, EQ2 I got bored, Eve I play occasionally. Wow I kind of enjoyed but found it very easy and dumbed down in comparison to other MMOs.
I look forward to everquest next and star citizen.

For a tenner Id give it a go, I just think it lacks content.
This deal is also tempting me, been wanting to try it out for a while.

The combat looks good compared to something like Rift which although is interesting, seems painfully dull because there feels like no connection between you and pressing a macro button!

How is the PvP generally and are they adding open world pvp?
I picked it up, I tend to be able to get 30 days out of MMO's even if they are average (not saying this one is, never played it yet!). Given your MMO history you should be able to do the same, it's only a tenner.
Bought it, played it for 2 days and uninstalled. Found it insanely boring, the first few levels I usually enjoy in MMOs, but the combat was just so slow. End game may be a bit better but I couldn't get into it.
I bought it and managed about two plays before giving up and uninstalling.

Just found it really uninspiring and still very clunky despite the praise it garnered on its rebuild.
Done, not buying then. Will focus on other games I'm playing and wait until Star Citizen comes out :)
I got it, also played it for a few days and left it, no voices was a big downer for me I like storylines while levelling!
It was also a bit too happy cartoon pikachu lovey for me, but i guess if you're considering it that is what you like :)
i quite like this game.

it seems well optimized for an mmorpg, even wow gets huge drops for me. this sticks pretty close to my vsync at all times.

looks pretty aswell, less cartoony than wow and as good looking if not better than archeage.

the combat feels very slow though. you get an extra button to press every 2 levels at first even though some are situational, im sure this will slow down later on.
Been playing it for a while on PC now, the leveling isn't the best but the end game content has quite a bit to do and is a lot of fun.

Edit: Wow that bump.
Holy smokes, that thread revive!

I gave up on it, ran like a dog on my machine. Mind you, got a 980ti now, maybe that will eat it up?
I tried to get into it but just found it too slow and clunky for my liking. Too much having to click through endless quest text instead of just scrolling. Little things like after you channel to pick up and object, you still have to stand about for a second before you can resume control etc.

Its heavily instanced which doesnt bother a lot of people but ruins immersion for me, and i was not a massive fan of the graphics and the lack of abilities to use in fights.

These negatives are likely stemming a lot from the fact it has to run on consoles so likely has to be instanced etc, but the plus side to that is that it is cross platform so you can play it with your console friends etc, and play it using a control pad if thats your thing.

Tenner to give it a go aint a bad option, even if you only play it fora few days its probably worth the tenner, pay that to go cinema for 2 hours these days.
As with all mmo's it gets better once you can do the dungeons.. I'm in the process of downloading it at the mo for the 3rd time to see what has changed (if anything) been a fair few patches since I last played
never really been into wow clone mmos, ffxi was the best mmo ever tho, but even that's been messed up since the 2010 expansions, private servers are still a blast tho!
My favourate MMO of all time is probably EQ1, SWTOR I enjoyed my class quests and then stopped playing, GW2 I got bored, Rift I got bored, EQ2 I got bored, Eve I play occasionally. Wow I kind of enjoyed but found it very easy and dumbed down in comparison to other MMOs.
I look forward to everquest next and star citizen.

For a tenner Id give it a go, I just think it lacks content.

I haven't been able to enjoy any MMO since EQ1. Why did they have to go all anime style for EQNext? Why? It makes my eyes bleed when I look at it :/

Actually anime isn't right. It's more like a Disney cartoon.
I played this when it came out and enjoyed it for a while however :( i had no friends :'( who would play it with me mainly due to the monthly sub, so i soon abandoned it as i found it boring on my own and just using in game text chat.
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