final fantsay 7 for pc wont work......

22 Oct 2004
Ive got the 1.02 patch installed and it still doesnt work. Ive gone on the configurations settings and i cant recognise my card so im in software render mode. Ive got the compatibility changed to 95 and still it doesnt work.

When i click on the game i get a black screen so know squaresoft log so i press enter and it goes to main menu i click new game and screen goes black nothing happening :(
ah just found a 1.03 patch its the xp patch ive read mixed reveiws some say it makes the game totally work and others says its rubbish but i cant rember why they said that :p
just got it working i had to download some video patch and know its fine.
The only problem now is the game is super fast whn im running about hes going very fast along with all the other ppl moving like lightning it took me 50 seconds to get out the reactor :p
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