Final year project...

20 Nov 2008
I'm in my final year and looking at writing up a proposal for my project by the end of the next week. Ideally I need to something networking based... however I would like to have some virtualisation in there too or maybe storage.

Anyone have any ideas on things I can do?

Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks for your reply J.B.... the problem is my tutor hasn't replied to any of my e-mails and have found out that he is off for two weeks. So will be speaking to another tutor this afternoon instead.

I'm studying Computer Networks and Security btw.

Does your university offer you the MSDNAA access? If so, and you have access to the full catalogue, perhaps try and implement an entire enterprise class infrastructure, with complete clustered failover across a WAN to multiple remote sites?

Something along those lines sounds very appealing to me, I have always been interested in failover so this would be something I could look at. I do indeed have access to MSDNAA and also have my own TechNet sub too, so getting access isn't going to be a problem.

I will need to discuss this with my course leader to see if it will meet the criteria.
What university are you studying at? I went to TIC in Brum and the course they ran with your degree title had a pretty cool ipv6 project - though I can't for the life of me remeber what it was now!

When looking for ideas for my project I went to library and checked out all the projects that got over 80% - gave me some good inspiration for my own project.

Staffordshire, I have tried our library but they only keep masters and phD projects.
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