Finally a baldurs gate/diablo beater

22 Oct 2004
This game is absolutly amazing the demo and videos and preveiws ive read on it are amazing it truly will be the best game of its genre. Of course im talking about TITAN QUEST

anyone else really excited about this game with its 90 hours of gaming fun.
Its really 30 hours to do the main quests but like the diablo series you have to make your way through 3 difficulty settings.
Will be a blast multiplayer no doubt.

Dungeon Seige 2 rules multiplayer, hack and slash leaving the donkey behind. :(

Probably got 500 hours multiplayer on the Dungeon Seige games, unlike the infinity engine and NWN games, it has lots of replay value due to the plot; or lack of.
I admit i think it's going to be good but a Diablo (there's no point in even compairing it to BG since they are so different) beater? Will have to wait and see about that.
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AS_Dodger said:
Don't see how you can say NWN has no replay value, given the literally thousands of quality single and multiplayer modules out there?

Content out of the box.

I never make statements with mods and addins. They may not be around in 5 years time when I next pick up the game. :(
After playing the demo, it was slow paced and lacked the frantic-natured click-fest of Diablo, which, IMO, was what gave D2 the enjoyment.

Felt more like DS to me - and I don't think thats a good thing.

Roll on D3.
what im wondering is how you can compare baldurs gate to diablo in the first place? Ones a quick hack and slash the other a real story driven more than 1 character game?

Is Titan Quest online or is it just a single player dungeon siege clone type?
Baldur's Gate beater? Get a grip. Played the demo and it was Diablo with updated graphics. Not particularly a bad thing, but don't sully the name of Baldur's Gate by putting it in the same sentence as Diablo :D
Hmmm just watched the trailers and i think i may try this one... im not joining fileplanet just to download a demo though. This looks more like diablo ( as has been said ) but i like the theme so ill probably give it a go.
This looks to be no BG beater though... totally different type of game by the looks of it.
AS_Dodger said:
Yeah, but I can beat the lot of you (even excluding mods ;) )

Planescape Torment. AND it was Infinity Engine :p

I always thought Torment was the best game out of all those too, really started out bewildered as to what was going on, all the slang and stuff was great
AtreuS said:
Hmmm just watched the trailers and i think i may try this one... im not joining fileplanet just to download a demo though. This looks more like diablo ( as has been said ) but i like the theme so ill probably give it a go.
This looks to be no BG beater though... totally different type of game by the looks of it.

You can get it from gamershell as well i believe.
Why on earth are people comparing it to Diablo, no where in the game does it have the word Diablo.

People think it's automatically crap because it's not like Diablo, weird sheep lol.
AtreuS said:
Hmmm just watched the trailers and i think i may try this one... im not joining fileplanet just to download a demo though. This looks more like diablo ( as has been said ) but i like the theme so ill probably give it a go.
This looks to be no BG beater though... totally different type of game by the looks of it.

You can get the demo from gamershell
Tried the demo and didn't think much of it. No game has come close to the pick-up-and-play brilliance of Diablo. Sacred comes close, IMO, but still just hasn't got that special something Diablo had. I've played through D2 (usually in co-op mode with this missus) a bunch of times and I still always find myself wanting to play it again.

I guess somebody new to the hack'n'slash RPG world might really enjoy Titan Quest.....but those of us who played Diablo are probably spoiled forever :)
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