Finally beths main brain scan results

3 Dec 2003
We had London AGAIN today for Bethanys results

We where say in a room with the best and I cannot stress this enough , the best neurologist in the country and his team for over an hour today . It went along these lines

He had studied the last MRI scan and the one from last month and his findings where that there is a large tumour at the back which is also surrounded by a bunch of smaller ones and one of these at the back of the brain is causing the epileptic fits , I asked him how many there where in total all over and his finger repeatedly pointed at the screen saying here , here , here , here , here , here and so on , But this is the one we need to talk about . Its roughly the size of a 50 pence piece .

Basically what needs to happen is they neep to do an uptodate MRI which will be in the next 2-3 months - Go NHS

They will then need to do something they call mapping as the large tumour is also surrounded by some smaller ones and this will make sure which one it is , The mapping will mean her skull will cut open and sensors will be placed all over the place and they will also be able to trigger if needed a fit to help see which it is

Then she will be put back together and wait for the results

After its brain surgery to remove part of the brain

This is where it gets bad - The fits are affecting her left arm mainly and also her left side of her face and left leg due to the tumour crossing the nerves of that area or the nerve going around it . If its going around it its much better as I will explain below

deficits from main operation (only the arm as this is the one he thinks it is)

This is the best outcome

If the nerve that controls the left arm runs around the toumour , once its removed she will be weak in the areas its affected for the rest of her life as in very slow to use them , strenth wise and co-ordination wise

The is the worst

If the nerve runs through the toumour then its a very high possibility that once removed she will be completly paralyzed from her left shoulder down for the rest of her life

That is as much as i want to say at the moment as im feeling very sad at the moment after writting this
Since finding out about her condition my misses has cut her hours at work down to 1 day a week to become her carer and I have cut down to 3 days a week aswell to help . We did have money and a fair amount of it at that but we spent all we had at the time on the house with extentions etc and then found out after that so now money is no where near what it was and we simply couldnt afford even £350 at the moment :(
Thanks guys

This has put me into tears reading how some of you would donate/send money for the scan it really has you have no idea how much that means - But I have never and dont think I could ask for anything from anyone as it doesnt feel right in my eyes , I would put it on the credit card but there is nothing left on it . We just didnt think of asking how much one would be at the time as we didnt know this would be an option
Its not just the price of the scan at the moment to be honest , its the fact that I have to take a month off work which will also be costing me £500 (im an uber earner you see :rolleyes:) in a months wages as work will not pay me for having the time off (thanks Tesco) and I havent saved that up yet to pay the mortgage for that month if I can

Sometimes it really makes me think that people that just get together and have kids then get a council house and live on the dole have it figured out while there are people like myself and wife that try and do things the right way that end up with the raw deal and struggle , But atleast I feel like a man and have my pride that I pay for my house and I think this is why I would feel bad about asking for money for the scan if you understand
Its just reminds me of the guy that made the blog called lend me your life for a day begging on here :rolleyes:

I can find out about the scan etc but the wifes having an operation to remove a lump in a weeks times aswell :( and shes out of action for a month aswell so as you can see there are other things to do with time scale etc - I think its offical I hate hospitals
Agreed, though tbh a fund could be started and then Skywalker and his partner can decide what is best to do with any monies received. I seriously doubt we would raise enough for a scan, but something that can make life even a little easier for the whole family would be more than beneficial :]

Skywalker, my best wishes to you and your family at a very hard time

Just read this one! Sometimes it doesn't rain eh!!

Honestly, people here are offering help, even if it amounts to a meal out or the equivalent of a days wages, lots of people would like to help :]

I understand what your saying and agree somewhat that you put it that way

Regards to the wifes operation she has put it off enough and I have told her she has to get it done as the lump is just getting bigger - Its on her ball joint of her wrist but again work dont pay me for the time I have to take off to look after Bethany as the wife wouldnt be able to carry her down the stairs or even change her as shes still in nappies

I've been waiting for an update on Beth's situation for a while now since your last post. Her story has really touched a lot of people here.

I really can't begin to think what you're all going through. It must feel like the deepest depths of hell. Did the guy say what the probability of the fits stopping was if that one tumour was removed? I guess from a quality of life argument, you'll still be doing the best for your daughter by having the operation done and you can find some peace of mind in the knowledge that you couldn't have done anything else.

This forum is very close-knit and I know that lots of people here would be more than willing to donate to a good cause. If all of the active members on the forum gave just 10p, there'd be over £700. I'd definitely throw something in the pot.

He said he can stop this one causing the fits but there is nothing to say one of the many others will not be causing some of them either and this is why the next MRI and the Mapping is needed to do what he can while hes in there

I also forgot I normally put a little picture up of her aswell so here goes the messy hair one from just now - Any women fancy coming round and doing it as I cant - I make her cry when I brush her hair :eek: I think its just something women do a lot better :D

Your making me feel like I have to take it now or im going to offend people that want to help out ,

Im still in the frame of mind that as much as it would be apprciated and needed to pay the scan if feesable and the mortgage to take time off after which I could skip a couple of payments and pay it back if and when I can it just feels like begging to me :confused:
I agree with the majority here. I have a couple of kids myself and had a bit of a scare with one of them a few years back. Not saying I understand how bad it must be for you, but I can empathise with some of the feelings you must be having right now.

Seriously, you sound like a proud man, and there's nothing at all wrong with that, but right now you should put it to one side and let people help you. It sounds as if you've got a hell of a lot on your plate right now, so if people here are prepared to help to relieve just a bit of the pressure then let them. I certainly know that most people despair at where there taxes go, so to be able to redirect a bit of cash at a genuinely good cause can only be a good thing for all concerned.

Don't feel bad if you don't want to accept, it's an offer made in good faith, not a demand to accept it. However, don't feel that you should turn it down because it feels like begging, it most certainly wasn't. You never mentioned any of this, you've never once even hinted at it, this is a genuine offer from the community here to help if it will help your family.

I think you have both hit it on the head and yes I like to think of myself as a very proud man and as you say it needs to be put aside for now as its not for me it is for my family

If people wouldnt mind helping me at this time even if it is just alittle something so I take time off to look after her after the operation then that I would like to thank everyone that could help me and my family from the bottom of my heart

I actually have tears running down my face of happiness at the group of people that are actually offering to help at this time and again I would like to say thanks as it shows there is some good in the world where I have seen nothing lately as I cant understand why this is hapening to my little princess
My mother was just made redundant and the wifes side of the family has just had to shell out for her brothers funeral - They are always the first ones to offer to look after brandon etc when needed which is fantastic in its self as no one likes to look after him as hes a little bit of a handful to say the least

My mum had him Tuesday when Beth had the dermitologist (she also needs lazer surgury on her face but completly forgot about this one till just now) and accidently gave him fizzy cola bottles and when we got back he was buzzing to say the least :eek: Brandon is the one that gives us a lot of smiles at times like this though as hes a charector on his own :D

It doesnt rain but it pours as you can see at times
It depends on the type of scan and the number of areas needed. If Skywalker would be kind enough to advise the type of scan needed I will find out.

Good morning , - From what I can remember it was something about a slice brain scan , He did say they wouldnt be able to do it here in Brighton and would have to be done at Kings due to his machine being special
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