Finally decided on what case to watercool (to replace my ATC111)

Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
I've been round in circles. Looked at V1000's, TJ07's and several others. Considered external watercooling, building my own radbox, etc, etc. I almost got the TJ07 but am a little concerned over the build quality. Then I came to the conclusion the TJ03 was essentially a ATC110 but with improved cooling. I almost got that and modded it. I still may in the future.

But ultimately, with a second baby due on Tuesday :D meaning a lack of time and money, and looking at my beautiful ATC111 case I finally decided there are few cases around (bar the TJ03) which I like anywhere near as much as my 111. It's too beautiful to put in the junk room. So I'll be adding a Swiftech H20 Apex Ultra+ to it tonight. It probably won't cope with an SLI setup later on but I can look at cases and cooling again if that happens.

I've never watercooled before so this will be an interesting night :)

On another point, I see the TJ03 is being discounted in a few places. Is it being discontinued? I'm quite tempted to get it for the future in case they run out.
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And now it's installed. It took longer than I expected and the chipset cooler wouldn't fit under the gfx card. But I'm now a happy bunny with a relatively quiet PC. To be honest it was quieter air cooled when idling. But to overclock a lot I used to have to step the fans up in speed a lot. Now it's slightly noisier at idle but that noise stays the same when I overclock it :) And all in my old case :)

It's all a bit cramped though. No wonder people get larger cases for watercooling!
Haha. Will do when I get a chance. Been in the hospital all day as my wife had a baby boy (already got a 2.5 yr old daughter) :D
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