Finally experienced Onyxia raid in wow.

18 Oct 2002
Somewhere in the middle.
A year in the waiting and its one slow boring fight lol.

I recently joined a high end guild after a long time of not really making the effort to get into one, we killed her with 28 people.

She dropped Bloodfang hood which i needed but i passed on it so another rogue who was desperate for it could have it instead :). going back to kill her again tomorrow, i might get lucky that time.

Great game..

Crap fight :D
under 5 mins? bloody hell.

took us about 20 or so i think. certainly not that fast. Our guild has experienced people but its our first raid together. like you say, it should get faster. its crap if u die and she doesnt summon you back in for ages.
I found the Onyxia battle to be very boring, although I did play with a bunch of idiots. So long as there is good communication between the members of your guild, then it should be easy, and just something to do for loot and a nice buff :).
Jimmyboyo said:
Onyxia is till my favourite fight in wow. Mininum effort, maximum epix !

Alright mate long time no see :D.

Yeah it's a good fight although im still waiting for the sinew to drop for my hunter Fueled in TDE :p.
40 man runs are rediculously boring. Done a few recently, and despite the promise of epic rewards, I just can't be bothered. A few of my other guildies (mainly the casual players) agree. The hardcore few like it though...

I play for enjoyment, not as a chore. I enjoy the frantic 5-man runs, but these 40man runs are just .... well, boring!
Just done my first few MC runs and I'm certainly not bored yet. Whether I will be after a few weeks is another thing entirely. Fortunately my guild is flexible (and large) enough that we don't all have to take part in all the raids.
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