FINALLY launched new site - comments, critiques and criticisms please!

2 Nov 2007
Hey All,

You may remember a (long) while, I posted a few threads about a site i was designing (*cough, cough, cough and cough*)

Well, after a lot of redesigns, a lot of code and a lot of time - I have just uploaded the new site. Check it out!

I know there isn't a logo (give me another year or so :D) and that's a big problem, but I would really value any further comments, critiques and criticisms.

I really appreciate your thoughts. Be mean - I can take it!

Cheers (and happy Christmas Eve!)
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Thank you for your comments.

I agree about the menu. I was just trying to use H3's in the heading links (and to have the whole area as one link i would need <a><h3>... which isnt valid HTML). Guess ill just drop the H3's.

Thanks for spotting the redirect. Im trying to 301 redirect old links to the new ones and am breaking a lot on the way!

Thanks again, ill have a look at the menu now...
Thank you for all your comments. I really appreciate them. Sorry about the delay in getting back to you - Christmas kinda got in the way.

@Tingle - Ive added the text color change you suggested and fixed the About tab. Thanks

@JimAroo - Thanks

@FabienO - Yes I completely agree. They get lost in some images. Im absolutely terrible with graphic design though so didnt know how to change the images myself. Ill have a look at that link and see if there are some others i can borrow!

@Draeger - Ill experiment. Thank you

@Mattus - I can have a go with the hatching, but again my image editing skills leave something to be desired! I slowed down the slider and added the text change. Thanks for being nitpicky! I really need it. I rushed to get this up before Xmas and have definitely made a fair few spelling mistakes. Im currently trying to find a 'scan my website and show me the spelling errors' website....

@mrbell1984,@Limenote - Thanks

Thanks for all the comments guys. Ive tweaked a few bits since launch and have added a price lists section ( - it works but i was wondering if you think there is anything missing? All i have is some simple pagination...?

Thanks again for all the comments. Hope you had a great Christmas
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