Autobots, transform and roll out!
Bringing this topic back from the dead, since i saw this around the same time in december.
First off, Michael Bay makes those big badda boom movies, garuanteed to have some sort of explosion in it. I've seen some set photos of the filming taking place, looks pretty awesome. Obviously this film isn't going to have much of a storyline if you're looking for the ultimate tale of life forfilment, this blatantly isn't going to be it.
I have to admit i really didn't want any director touching my beloved transformers, simply because it is an absolutely positively sacred ground from my childhood. But i had to remember the whole franchise was made for kids, not adults, but kids, and most of us G1/2 fans have theoretically grown up. So looking onto the new stuff, it looks really childish, which is basically the point. I think keeping this in the age range that we grew up from is a good idea, since massive alien robots just don't actually grab most adults' attentions anymore other than with a reply, "oh that's stupid". I mean the FX as they are look sort of kiddy colourful as they are.
Could be just like Harry Potter though, i wasn't expecting much from that before i watched it, as i thought it was going to be uber kiddy, but i really liked it, lol, maybe i'm alone here?
Anyway, it's a good job Spielburg is on the case, he should slap Bay around and stop him from making silly decisions i hope. All in all, it should be a really fun film.
I also get what you mean by the transformers looking kind of wrong. I mean optimus has a redneck paintjob on him for crying out loud. At first i didn't like the way these transformers were just over complex in transformations from vehicles to robots and vice versa, they seemed really delicate and flimsy, and would not necessarily take a beating like they should do. But then after thinking about it, if you were an alien being made of organic metallic parts, you'd have a complex body too, to function for moving smoothly and to heal yourself over a period of time, not to mention a nervous system and intelligence + extra modules for 1337 aimbot and wall h4x.
I still think Prowl should be in it, he was one of my favs, and he was a real police car!
So what's my point? My point is to give the film a chance, if it blows, then it blows and will be the greatest insult to us G!/2 fans ever. But if it's good, it'll make us all giddy kids again and put an uberly cheesey grin on our faces.