Finally..Ordering i need start up kit..

13 Jan 2010
So you may well have seen my indecisive thread about which cam to buy, well the decision is now made (reluctantly) and im ordering tonite the 60D, it would have been the 70 had it not been for the shift to video

i will now have two lenses and a body and nothing else

things i know i will want
macro rail
macro flash..i will revisit the thread on that as well
filter for 67mm lens that is for protection of the lens
maybe another lens or just hold out for the 100-400mm
circular polarisers? gels for the flash (for those 'creative' moments :D ), nd filter(s), coloured filters, decent body/shoulder strap, lens hoods? extra lens caps, battery grip

you can go mental with buying stuff. i've been outstanding at finding those "only use once" items. depends on how 'into' photography you are going to get though. everything i've bought up to now has been reasonably priced, in case i found out i didn't actually enjoy it as much as i had thought. fortunately that hasn't been the case and i will replace the 'budget' items as & when, with the more expensive labelled stuff :p
i have decide on a few things

Tripod MANFROTTO 055 CX PRO 3 as a tripod? seems to get fair reviews
Wide angled lens of some description, tokina/canon for aps-c for night as well as scenes
ND filter of some description but i have no idea how to choose
Bag i will need a bag that can hold cam, tripod, flash setup and couple of lenses
macro rail.. not sure whether to start cheapwith one of those multi axis types
Macro flash..again, not sure, the more i read the less sure i get!!
remote wired and wireless shutter release currently looking at these too..maybe Hahnel Giga T Pro II Wireless Remote Control
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a flash remote lead (for off-camera flash use)
a stand & adapter bracket (to mount the flash & umbrella - they are more for portrait-type photography so mebbes ignore that suggestion),
close-up & macro adapter lenses (to reduce minimum focusing distance)
extension tube (haven't got one, so can't comment on necessity/use)

a ringflash is apparently better for macro. i bought a 'bargain' ringflash, and the illumination comes from LEDs rather than a conventional flashtube so the light isn't quite as harsh,

that's as far as i can think. there are better informed people in this forum who will be able to give you definitive suggestions
i have the 100mm for macro work and also some tubes for extra mag :) already

not really going for portrait atm, might never

i think it may well be a macro ring, there are so many options ill give it a go at least

so far this this is on the list to buy
canon 10-22mm from JL before the canon cashback ends
Hahnel Giga T Pro II remote shutter release
macro ring flash
macro rail
ND filter of some description
Manfrotto 055CXPRO3..i already have a cheapo tripod so this can wait
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