Finaly got it but alas, no RAM

12 Aug 2005
North wales near Rhyl
ok so i bought a house 9 months ago and put £2000 aside to buy a computer, i finaly got round the buying all the bits for it the saturday before last from OCUK and they finaly came today w00t!

problem is, because they were out of stock of a few items they've had to postspone my order (hence it being over a week late) but in that time they've gone out of stock of the OCZ platinum PC4000 DDR memory that i ordered and have given me a refund. OCUK have also stopped stocking the mushkin PC4000 memory too so now i need a replacement QUICK! OCUK can only suppply me with the Corsair 2GB PC4000 MEmory kit, is it worth me getting that quick or finding somewhere else that sells the OCZ or the Mushkin?

i need something with good overclockability as i have a 4400+ X2 with water cooling! and a DFI lanparty Mobo uF4 Ultra D

Also, are there any compatability issues between the OCZ kit mentioned above and the uF4 Ultra D mobo?
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Well there is a competitor which sells Mushkin and the Team Xtreem equivalent which is based in Ireleand. But I have the Mushkin Redline PC4000 2GB kit and will be selling soon, and I know I am not supposed to but you can email me about it if you are interested.

[email protected]
dillingerdan said:
Well there is a competitor which sells Mushkin and the Team Xtreem equivalent which is based in Ireleand. But I have the Mushkin Redline PC4000 2GB kit and will be selling soon, and I know I am not supposed to but you can email me about it if you are interested.

[email protected]

too late dude, i'm feleing extrememly impacent today so i've already bought some memory (at a premium) and even paid for the fastest possible delivery i can get too, and i've gone for the OCZ kit too, simply because anything else would look out of place in this case... it's all black and chrome and i'm still dazeled by it all

but thank's anyway, just spend a little more time in the general hardware section of the fourums helping people like myself with technicak problames you might have experianced yourself before, it's the quickest way to get your post count up so you can get into the members market. it gives you a massive sence of wellbeing inside too from helping all those peeps. :3
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