Financial Advice - Hardware

23 Nov 2004
The Place To Be

My current specs are:

AMD Athlon 64 3500+
Aopen Aeolus 7800GTX 256MB
1GB Corsair TwinX XMS Cas 2.0 Ram (2X512MB)
Abit AN8 PCI-e Mobo
X-Fi Extreme Music
80,160 and 350GB Sata Drives.

I've got important exams to get through over the next 2 months, and I basically want to give up gaming for that time. Then, in the summer, I can relax again.

Would it be a wise idea to sell off my GTX? This would be replaced by a PCI Radeon 9000. I'd only use my PC (in this time) for music, work, messenger and video editing.

Then, in the summer, I can buy a new graphics card, and possibly look at upgrading my CPU (I'm sure some people in the MM will sell me an X2 for a nice price) and memory.

Good or bad idea?
I'm more worried that it's only 256mb.

It's not really a hassle as such. I haven't really been doing any gaming for a while as nothing worth playing has come out (bar Oblivion which I just didn't get into)

Thing is I can keep that £200 or whatever I make and then get something much better in July.
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