Finch / Funeral For A Friend - Bands like these?

12 Jun 2004
I have "music swings".

Sometimes i really feel like listening to punk from the likes of Anti-Flag and other times i feel like a more indie approach from The Bravery. So at the moment i'm in a Finch/FFAF mood and i'm really loving this genre. Can anyone recomend any more bands like them? I tried but they threw up quite a mixture of bands that sound nothing like them and if they do, i already have their album. :o

Thanks. <3
Andybtsn said:
12 Stones
30 Seconds to Mars - GOT
Biffy Clyro
Bullet for my Valentine - GOT
Eighteen Visions
Hoobastank - GOT
Lostprophets - GOT
Madina Lake
Story of the Year - GOT
Inme - GOT

I'll check out the rest now. Thankyou. ^^
Phoenix211 said:
especially 30 seconds to mars. Their first album didn't do too well but I love it!

I have 'A Beautiful Lie', is that the one you love? :) Either way, my favourite song is 'Attack' on that album.
rdizzle said:
you mean you haven't got any Biffy Clyro?!!?!?

please if you do anything get "blackened sky", itll change your life (it changed mine!)

also give "vertigo of bliss" and "infinty land" a listen as all thier albums are amazing!

check out hundred reasons if you like finch etc...they are very good..

Okay, thanks.

I have Hundred Reasons.

Volcs said:
Brand New, Story of the Year, Hawthorne Heights,Taking Back Sunday and Bullet For My Valentine.

I have all of those. ;)

daz said:
You might like Jimmy Eat World too. :)

Got one of their albums, i love 'Sweetness'.

A5H said:
Try silverstein and halifax and a change of pace and alexisonfire.

Alexisonfire are my favourite band, like ever. I have albums by the other bands you mention.

A5H said:
Also, thursday. But they are actually good.
Listen to understanding in a car crash!
Full collapse is a brilliant album :)

Mm, they're not bad..again, i have one of their albums.

Nix said:
Check out Coheed and Cambria :cool:

Run quick, they're beeeehind yooooou!

I have 2 of their albums, favourite song is 'Ten Speed'. <3

Woody__ said:

Just because.

I have their album and they aren't too bad...

Nix said:
Hmm, to throw in a wildcard OP; try Boysetsfire.

I have one of their albums but i haven't really had a good listen to it. I'd better listen again.

Thanks everyone. :p
I have 2 albums of Brand New and 2 albums of Funeral For A Friend...i conclude that Brand New aren't in the same genre as bands like FFAF. Brand New are too 'light'.

Nix: I listened to the song 'The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows' and your point stands.

Coheed may be closer to FFAF than Brand New but i don't think Coheed are on the exact wavelength as FFAF.
I have listened to that song...i don't find it heavy in the slightest. It's "pop" like. Besides, what difference does one song make? I'm talking about the entire band. Brand New on a whole are 'lighter' compared with bands such as Finch/FFAF.

Coheed are not anything like FFAF but they are closer than Brand New.
m0r94n said:
I SERIOUSLY recommend Dallas Greens solo stuff. Goes by the name of City and Colour (Dallas' name). Save Your Scissors is a really nice song.

Been a fan for a while, he's amazing! <3

A5H said:

Seems most people would agree with me and that other guy.
Brand new and coheed are on the exact same likeness by users.


I whined about Last.FM's similiar options for FFAF in my OP. :)

I've asked around also, Brand New are NOT like FFAF. Finch are the closest band to FFAF in my eyes.
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