Finding 30Hz monitor

1 Jun 2014

I am wondering if anyone can point me in the direction of a 30hz native monitor - anything between 27"-32", reason being, I used to have a monitor that ran native on 30hz and was perfect for P3D, unfortunately my son pulled it off my desk and smashed it so had to throw away. I cannot afford £400 for the same monitor now.
The game itself rarely gets above 30/40 fps, so a 30hz monitor makes it smooth as silk, whereas a 60hz can be a stutter fest.

Budget - £200 maximum if possible, have looked everywhere and cant find one that is native to 30hz. 1080p will do just fine.

Thanks in advance

I dont think 30hz displays are even available anymore.
Why dont you just get a normal 1080p 60hz and just set it to 60hz, or IF you REALLY need 30hz then just do it on Windows Settings :/

The reason i am after the 30hz, is due to the fact P3D is an older game , it can only be played in borderless window, not in true full screen, which i believe is why Vsync does not work on P3D.

Also, the monitor i do have runs at 60hz native, and doesn't have the option of 30hz.

Hi Rick

Im not locking myself to 30hz, i would go for a 60hz monitor as long as it has 30hz as an option... I can only get around 30/40fps in Flight simulator, hence the need for a 30hz one.. as vsync does not work as it is not a true full screen application.
A custom monitor driver (.inf file)? I believe Rivatuner had a feature where you can add custom resolutions and refresh rates, which would then generate an inf file. I'm going back a while and haven't checked if it can still do it. I'm sure there are other software related ways around this. Monitor drivers are pretty basic.
What graphics card do you have? In NVIDIA control panel you can go to 3d settings for Prepar3d, set Vsync to "override/on" and "Half refresh" and you're done. 30Hz. The fact that there are two monitor refreshes per frame will not be visible to you in any way. Using a 30Hz monitor is madness. Setting a game to locked 30FPS is not hard to do and it's the right way to do this.

What would be more ideal would be a G-Sync/Free-sync display with a low adaptive sync floor FPS wise and just let it sync. But if you don't have that option do what I outlined above. :)
What graphics card do you have? In NVIDIA control panel you can go to 3d settings for Prepar3d, set Vsync to "override/on" and "Half refresh" and you're done. 30Hz. The fact that there are two monitor refreshes per frame will not be visible to you in any way. Using a 30Hz monitor is madness. Setting a game to locked 30FPS is not hard to do and it's the right way to do this

This. Nvidia Control Panel even allows you to change the actual refresh rate if you wanted, under Change Resolution > Choose Resolution > Customize. Ignore the fact it's under resolution, it also allows you to change refresh rate once you customize.

Download Custom resolution utility and you should be able to make a 30HZ custom set up.

Or this, for an AMD card.
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