Finding a Corp in Eve...

18 Oct 2002
Fife, Scotland
I joint a fairly well known Pirate corp around 6 weeks back, but to me it doesnt feel the way a corp should feel, everyone soloing untill someone mentions a gatecamp...Joy...

So here I am back to square one... Im thinking more of Warring Alliance corp with the posibilitys of mining opps to make cash from, and also the posibility of branching in to factions when it arrives, what i've read so far i like :).

Anyway i have 2 chars one based around PvP and one for Mining&Trading and i need home for them both!! :mad: Toughest thing in Eve is finding a good corp, so many to choose from :/

What with you being in a pirate corp you might find it hard to get into an alliance, also if you character is young it might also make it hard.

Best thing to do it get a look at an alliance map and read the forums finding out who the best alliances are. Then look at the industrial corps within the best alliances. They often have a PvP wing as they are out in 0.0 and they will also be willing to help you out mining. :)
Trox said:
I joint a fairly well known Pirate corp around 6 weeks back, but to me it doesnt feel the way a corp should feel, everyone soloing untill someone mentions a gatecamp...Joy...

So here I am back to square one... Im thinking more of Warring Alliance corp with the posibilitys of mining opps to make cash from, and also the posibility of branching in to factions when it arrives, what i've read so far i like :).

Anyway i have 2 chars one based around PvP and one for Mining&Trading and i need home for them both!! :mad: Toughest thing in Eve is finding a good corp, so many to choose from :/


noob tbh

By "I" - I assume you mean "we" ;)
Noxis said:
noob tbh

By "I" - I assume you mean "we" ;)

Yea...Course i did... ;)

We are noobs but not a total noobs :D, my main account was activated in 2004, due to real life i had to cancel so my skill points don't reflect my accounts age, sorry OUR skill points... ;)

Im around 5.5million skill points on my pvp based char...
Skills are 1 million in Learning , 1 million in Gunnery , 1 million in Mechanic , 750k in Engineering , 500k in Electronics , 400k in Nav, 360k spaceship command.

My security status is around 0.2, was kinda hoping that there would be someoen with a nice corp to join, its easy to join a corp just hard finding a goodun.

Having 2 accounts means that im not wasting time training mining/trade skills on a pvp based char.
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Trox said:


there is a guy here on ocuk that is a member of coreli corp , I cant place his name but I do remember his sig being shown here. I've no affiliation with them, but as far as I am aware they do pirating, have a strong industry side, 0.0 access and friendly relations with alliances, they also intend to be one of the first corps to produce boosters, a type of temporary implant that will be created from elements found in all areas of 0.0 which will be introduced to the game through the Kali expansion.

I dont know on their current recruitment status or requirements, but if I was looking to join a corp under your criteria I would be contacting these guys at the top of my list.

nice one, cheers for the reply

Ill check that link out, do a little reading up on them :)

nice site m8, its what im kinda looking for, but... Not sure i like the inactive part hehe, im after a small corp but it does have to be active. Im totally put of with corps with 100+ people in them.

Maybe if yours was active more, do you have a public chan that i can join ?
v2^ said:
Why Thankyou ;)

Thats alrite :D hehe

As for the inactive part it's a shame as it really has potential but at the moment it's just not moving. I myself are semi bored with Eve at the moment but trying to get into it.

We don't have a fully public channel but if you want to talk more catch me ingame (Miss Strang - Dont ask).
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