Finding a decent freelancer/small-scale agency

27 Dec 2005
I'm looking for a freelancer or small-scale agency to develop (not design) a website that's a personal project/business of mine. I know freelancer sites exist but they seem too unprofessional/unreliable, and after getting quotes from a few Bristol-based agencies found via Google it seems like they're the complete opposite end of the spectrum.

So does anyone know of any good mid-range agencies or freelancers? Or are freelancer sites actually better than I think they are and worth a shot?
A brief albeit a small/rough one... :)

I require the back-end web development for a new start-up website. Without going into detail the website is essentially a version of but for a niche market.

I have been sitting on this idea for over 2 years (annoyingly even before MyHammer came on the scene, although this does help me explain things now!) and even got quite a way into developing the site from scratch in PHP last year. My coding ability however is limited and also inefficient, so the project was halted and I'm now looking for a more experienced and skilled freelancer to complete the project from scratch.

I have no preference over the language used, though PHP would be preferred if there's a choice simply due to web hosting options and my basic understanding of the language.

Key functions (as per MyHammer):
- Fully fledged user login system with profile, account management and two user levels/types
- Business login (as above) with public profile and business directory
- Admin login to enable management and administration of all public posts etc
- Job/project posting including image upload
- Job/project bidding including image upload
- Business feedback and review system
- Virtual credit purchasing via debit/credit card/PayPal and invoicing via debit/credit card/PayPal
- Basic forum (happy for PHPBB or similar rather than a bespoke build)

Optional functions/to follow once live:
- Banner advert management/scheduling/purchasing etc

A site template will be provided along with colour schemes and style guidelines. The primary work is the back-end coding along with any UI design that compliments or is tied into this.
interesting idea! i presume you mean by 'other end of the scale' as too expensive for your budget?

if so then I think your project will lie in a bit of a grey area where the spec is fairly complex, and your low cost small agencies / freelancers will probably be able to do it but maybe not all that well. especially if you want it built in a bespoke manner. also its important to realise you get what you pay for, and by paying a little more you will secure a more likely return on your investment

the company i work for I think would come into the 'other end of the scale' category, but if you want to let me know your budget I might know if its realistic and someone to build it as we have a network of overflow devs and smaller agencies that might be interested?
Well the quotes I've been getting from some bigger agencies that I've emailed are between 15-20k, and freelancers etc seem to be around the 5k mark.

I know 20k would get me a "better" site but of course that does also mean that it'd need to make 15k more, and it would require me to get a loan as well.
well depending on how badly you wanted the full spec, you could get a cut down version of the core functionality. so go with a better agency and still pay somewhere inbetween the 2 costs you outlined above? then add on all the bits you left as a phase 2 if you think the project is likely to take off?

not exactly bristol based, but if you are looking for another quote give me an email :)
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