Finding a keyring to fit a small key opening - First world problems!

16 Oct 2002
In the radio shack
*** Solved - See post #27 ***

I've never had a car key where the opening isn't wide enough to fit a standard metal keyring. As you can see, the key on the left has a big enough gap, the one on the right doesn't and it's effectively deforming the metal ring that I'm using. I've tried a couple of other rings and they're all the same, just a little too big for this stupid key.

How do you attach a car key with a smaller opening to your key ring?

Small jump ring on the key, then attach that to the keyring. Makes the bunch more flexible in your pocket too.
That’s probably the answer. A 10mm double loop will do the job. Now to find somewhere I can buy just one for pennies rather than a pack of 50 or 100 for a fiver.
10mm. Had the same conundrum a few years ago and wanted a smaller ring (fnnaar!) but had to buy a pack of them. PM me your address and I'll stick a handful in an envelope for you.
Yup, exactly that so will do, thanks.
Aye, that’s my concern with some of the smaller rings I’ve seen before but all the little rubbish ones I’ve had barely have any actual double parts, those look a lot better.

I shall report back, ta.
The 10mm double jump rings from @Conscript turned up but sadly, they're too small. I should have measured the depth of the key first, it's 12mm.


Wifey picked me up some 20mm x 1.8mm double jump rings from a craft shop, they go through but it's the same problem, the width is too much for it to rotate cleanly within the key.

The width of the slot in the keyring is 2.8mm.

So now looking for jump rings (ideally double) 20mm diameter x 1mm.
I do have some paracord, not quite as thin as that though. I've never found that ends melted together works very well or looks very good and then when you start adding knots, it's even less attractive and adding more bulk. I don't mind jangly and if what I've done stays in place and the hoop doesn't fold back, I should be OK. If not, I'll look at one of those d clamps.
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