finding cd key from original copy of xp home

10 Feb 2003
right wife has cleaned my computer ,and (as she said )ripped some sticker off side of moniter.
this sticker is xp home cd key.
can i find cd key from cd or do i have to ring microsoft
have cd and little book that came with it
sorry have formated hd ,am working on brothers com
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I think Magic Jelly Bean will only read the working PC , it reads the registry keys. So, seen as you've formatted it wont work.There are key changers/key makers about , but thats touching on a dodgy subject and I must stop here .Maybe a search from one of those well known engines may provide an answer.
You can't get a CD-key "off the CD" - the CD is just a duplicate of every copy out there, it doesn't have the key stored on it, it's only in the installation because you enter it during installation. If you've lost the CD-key and don't have Windows installed using it then you can't get it back. You might be able to try and contact Microsoft or whoever you bought the PC (or software) from, though it'll be a tough job, especially given that it's your own fault the key is missing.
The Key for the CD is NOT held on the CD the key is compeltely setaprate thing, i would be giving the wife a slap and getting her to route thru the bins for that one, unless she wants you to waste another £90 on software.
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