Finding time to pwn with a baby on board

23 Mar 2011
Just had our first! Still getting used to the sleepless nights etc. Just wondering what other gaming dads do about fitting it the hobby around the kids!

Might sound a bit selfish lol, i knew my gaming time would drop off in these early weeks and thats fine! Just wondering where other dads fit in the most gaming time? Late at night i imagine?
I basically stopped completely for 3 years! Dont want to game while he awake as i spend that time with him, then by the time he goes bed i watch abit of telly n go bed then repeat!

He's getting into the wii u now he's 4 but its only during winter, when the weather perks up no console!

Thats my feeling too, i mean he sleeps a lot during the day at this very young age! Just over 2 weeks atm, but then its not practical to try and fit it in between feeding and helping my patner while im off. And yea we have found in the evening between say 6 and bed we sort him out if needs be and he sleeps again then we eat and watch a series or something, done making a murderer since we got him home. And then after that we get as early a night as we can as hes become a bit of a nocturnal baba! Sleeps loads at day time and is up a lot at night :D

*like right now my partner is having a bath and a rest while in holding the little chap watching loose women. My life has changed :D
you have to wait until they start to go to bed properly really. Get the baby monitor and put it right next to your computer monitor so you can see any led display it has - you need one with a visual representation...

The best way to get this time is let your missus go out while you 'look after the baby'.

It's also a good idea to get the baby used to milk from a bottle so your missus can go out. She'll thank you so much. Make it a regular thing for the baby and they'll never get out of the habit of it...lots of people do the last bottle of the day (or the first one when they wake up after going off to sleep at night - about 1am) - this will give you missus a chance to get some proper sleep and stop her going mad...

Hope that helps

Good tips and yea i agree, its too early for him to have any routine really, and especially as he is in our room for the first part of his life it makes it all a bit more difficult to work around! I think i will just do what i am doing and fit in an hour or so if i can and not worry about it. And then when hes sleeping at night in his own room i can go back to staying up after misses goes to bed for an hour or so.

Maybe ill stop impulse buying games from key sites. Though since hes been home iver purchased diablo 3 and the addon, dragons dogma and the new TR. Wasnt thinking at all lol but on the flip side that will last me blooming ages now so thats actually a good thing!

I got resident evil 4 in steam xmas sale before he was born and its all ive played when i can since. Playtime is at 6 hrs, so thats pretty telling
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Cant wait for him to be older so we can play together but yea i also will cherish these early days too! Sounds like im doing it the right way, put him and her first and then if the chance pops up i can fit some gaming in, its not bothering me really but its 'my thing' so i will just get used to this new routine and do what i can :)
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