Currently at BF&C, next year at Lancaster.
hang on
where have you been offered the teaching job
senior lecturer at a university is a bit different to teaching at a local college...
Currently at BF&C, next year at Lancaster.
He's grumpy that I retired then decided to do a degree and utilise the Student Loans system to pay for the fees.
I can pop in to see you at Infolab. I await my invite![]()
good luck with the PhD, tis nice to have a tenured position lined up for when you finish it
Jesus can we get some Mods to clean up this thread, talk about total derailment of this thread. /sigh
ok here is a list of academic staff - everyone with the title 'lecturer' already has a PhD
yet you're going to be a 'lecturer' in your third year - in which case should we expect to see a 'Mr' whatever your name is appear on there in a year or so?
Also given these people with the job title 'lecturer' have all completed PhDs how can you be confident part way through your undergrad that you're going to be appointed to a 'senior lecturer' job immediately after your PhD, which you haven't even started, when all these other PhD holders are not yet 'senior' lecturers? Especially given that all the other senior lecturers seem to have a fair few publications under their belts going back a few years and you're still taking taught courses.
No way? Nepotism can refresh the positions other applicants cannot reach.
A nice idea which I hope works out for them. Gets rid of the whole "on benefits" stigma, one step in the right direction IMO.
Way too modern for the UK though, I could imagine work houses being brought back before anything like this.