Fire TV best box for Kodi under £100?

8 Apr 2013
I posted a previous post about another box but found that it cannot be imported over the the UK and now I just would like to know if the Fire TV is the best device I could run Kodi off for under £100.

I have the Rasp Pi in the bedroom now as it's too slow

Any guidance would be great thanks
I'm interested in views on this too. Looking at the kodi forums, they suggest the "best" solution is a chromebox but that comes with additional cost. They suggest the Fire TV is great at streaming but not so good for live TV. Is that really the case (tvcatchup etc)?

I always see people raving about the Fire TV but what saddens me is that I won't be able use an external HDD on it to stream movies which saddens me.

The Chromebox is a little pricey
The Amazon Fire TV has a live TV app called "TVPlayer".

By no means does it have all the channels you can get in the UK but combined with iPlayer, STV Catchup, 5 On Demmand and AirPlay/DLNA Recevier (which lets me stream anything from my phone to the FireTV) you're got almost all your options covered with the built in functionality.

If you're making use of Amazon Prime already then Prime Instant is another great bonus.

Add on Plex/Kodi and you've got yourself a pretty fantastic little bit of hardware in my opinion.

Prime Instant doesn't interest me at all. I have enough devices that have Iplayer, 5 and all that.

I'm mainly focusing on Kodi and if the Fire TV is good value.

Sure, all the stuff that is included is great and the idea of gaming is a nice gimmick but I would rarely use that.

I noticed last week it was £64, kicking myself that it went back up!
Well, you're missing out on some good shows then (legally) as some of the new pilots created by Amazon are actually quite good :)

I think the only thing that the Fire TV can't do is output HD audio (it does convert it though). Willing to be proven wrong, but if that's not a concern then it's a great bit of kit.

Reliable, lower power, no noise, bluetooth controller (which works great with Harmony Smart Control) and a pretty reasonable price.

And yes, £64 was a cracking price for it :)

Well we watched Transparent when we were on a free trial and that seemed ok but not seen anything else yet. I might consider getting it one day as I love the next day delivery as well.

Hopefully it goes down in price again because it does look really nice.

Thank you btw :)
That's what I thought they were probably referring to but it wasn't clear. I don't think that would be an issue for me.

Currently using an RPi but it is rather laggy, particularly when accessing streaming content (the steaming is fine but the speed at which it goes through menus / addons is very slow.

I do have a NAS so for me, lack of external HDD input is not an issue.

Would a NUC be a better option? A big thing for me has to be that it's wife friendly - ie. fast, easy to use, simple remote. She hates the Harmony remote we currently use for TV and PVR so I could have a challenge on my hands! I'm happy to wait for the price to come back down (hopefully).

You have the same problem I do, going through menu's is a drag and I have had a couple of crashes as well. The gf loves it though because it's so simple to use with XMBC Remote on her Ipad and on my HTC

I keep looking at NUC's but they do seem a lot more expensive
I recently bought a FireTV for myself and setup a NUC for my parents - for pure speed they are about the same. Also the remote on the FireTV is very good so long as you don't want loads of buttons.

Should add - the FireTV has no volume control, so you'll need to use the TV remote for that. With a NUC you could use the inbuilt volume control or the TV volume.

Doesn't it support HDMI CEC?
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