Firefox 2

7 Aug 2004
OOohh shiny, got what seems to be a non RC FF2 from filehippo

Nice interface, built in spell checker, its underlined ooohh and filehippo in the above sentence, very nice.

Anyone got this ? thoughts?
Been using the nightlies for months now. Good, but nowhere near enough features to warrant a 2.0 release, considering they took out Places. It should be 1.6, IMO.

I'm using Konqueror these days, FireFox, although lovely, had a few problems that narked me. Namely the copy+paste bug and the memory leak(s)
Dj_Jestar said:

Replacement for the conventional bookmarks, history etc. that is stored in an SQLite DB for awesome querying coolness. It's in 3.0 now.

Dj_Jestar said:
memory leak(s)

FYI this hasn't been a problem for ages. You're a Linux user, surely you must understand the OS allocating lots of memory but it being available if other programs need it?
I stopped using it when I switched to *nix, after seeing the C+P bug was still very much an issue :(

Didn't even look at mem usage, but when I was on Windows it was still a bug :)
robmiller said:
Been using the nightlies for months now. Good, but nowhere near enough features to warrant a 2.0 release, considering they took out Places. It should be 1.6, IMO.

Agreed, but with the push from Microsoft on IE7, Mozilla are probably trying to plug their own with a version number that signifies a significant upgrade.
Apparantly it's out at 1am tomorrow morning. I guess it will pickup my bookmarks from 1.5? I just got them all ordered and sorted how I like them! :o
KingAdora said:
Apparantly it's out at 1am tomorrow morning. I guess it will pickup my bookmarks from 1.5? I just got them all ordered and sorted how I like them! :o
It sorted mine out just fine when I started running 2.0 months ago. I doubt you'll have any problem. I got bored and now run Minefield on most machines. :p
I can't help wondering exactly what the FF team have been doing since the release of FF1.5. Sure, there are some nice new features, but IMO an inline spell check, Google Suggest, a few extra tab options and a minor rearrangement doesn't justify the wait.

Some of the features aren't even that well implemented - the bookmarks system is still a bit of an abomination, particularly as the Places feature has been pushed back. The Recently Closed Tabs feature is buried away in menus as opposed to on the tab bar itself where it should be... and I'm finding myself missing that 'quick tab' thing from IE7.

They big up the new default theme... but I don't like the default theme anyway so I've changed to iFox, and I can barely tell that I'm not still using 1.5.
Mattus said:
I can't help wondering exactly what the FF team have been doing since the release of FF1.5. Sure, there are some nice new features, but IMO an inline spell check, Google Suggest, a few extra tab options and a minor rearrangement doesn't justify the wait.

Some of the features aren't even that well implemented - the bookmarks system is still a bit of an abomination, particularly as the Places feature has been pushed back. The Recently Closed Tabs feature is buried away in menus as opposed to on the tab bar itself where it should be... and I'm finding myself missing that 'quick tab' thing from IE7.

They big up the new default theme... but I don't like the default theme anyway so I've changed to iFox, and I can barely tell that I'm not still using 1.5.

They've gone away and done a lot of work in the background. There's holes patched, new versions of scripting/rendering engines, memory leaks plugged, general performance improvements. Software updating isn't about adding more bells and whistles to something so that you can "tell the difference" by just looking at it. They could have spent probably years of work on it and have it look exactly the same. Doesn't mean it's not a major upgrade. Running around pandering to users want to have more shiny buttons to press instead of fixing core issues is one of the reasons why microsoft is in the mess it is in now, with a lot of its software lines. I completely agree with what they've done - fixed important stuff that needed fixing, added a few good features that have the option of being turned off (close buttons on tabs is a good example) and not tried to "wow" the world. It's as big a change as 1.0 -> 1.5 was, and is therefore a half thingie increment, taking it to 2.0 :)
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Been using Minefield for a while now (FF3) and its pretty good... :D

Do we have any stats on W3C compliability with IE 7 and FF 2.0?
Mattus said:
Some of the features aren't even that well implemented - the bookmarks system is still a bit of an abomination, particularly as the Places feature has been pushed back. The Recently Closed Tabs feature is buried away in menus as opposed to on the tab bar itself where it should be... and I'm finding myself missing that 'quick tab' thing from IE7.

you mean, right click >> undo close tab isn't good enough for you? i dont really mind how it looks - its fine and functional as it is. As you said, what does it matter if you use a theme anyway?
Just downloaded it there, not as nice to use as Safari but for Windows its pretty good :)

The websites i'm developing still work fine so i'm happy :p
Fasterfox doesn't work in v2. I assume they're working on a new version?
I was never sure if it actually worked or not, but installed it anyway :rolleyes: :D
Like what I've experienced of it so far. 1.5's been just fine for me, so haven't felt the need to check out 2 until now.

With a little effort (quick install.rdf edit), got the most useful incompatible extensions working until updates are released.

Things I like:
  • Individual tab close buttons back... woo!
  • Inline spell-checking, works great.
  • Integration of all 'add-ons' into... 'add-ons'. Though I dislike the term itself, I do like having access to it all from one location.
  • Feed subscription/bloglines integration (especially since the bloglines toolkit is not updated yet).
  • Auto session-saving (are there user prefs for this somewhere?)
  • The fact that it doesn't feel significantly different in use to previous versions - can't be doing with IE7-style UI changes.
  • UI/chrome seems more 'solid' and smoother to use, but may be a placebo effect.

Things I dislike:
  • Individual tab close buttons back... I'm now so used to the single close button, that I'm not exactly sure I like this behaviour as much :D.
  • Tab scrolling - it's rare that I have enough tabs open, but I much prefer the old system, and closing tabs is confined to the focused one (would seem more sensible with individual tabs to be able to close any opened tab).
  • Throbber is no longer clickable. Used to be able to bind it any url via browser.throbber.url, so I had an extra button I could use for a quick link.
  • Binding of the backspace key. Used to go history-1, but now seems to perform as a an auto-scroll to the top. Weird. (and also access keys via ALT+ seem not to work... certainly ALT+S no longer submits this form).
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