Firefox 9.0.1 in Mint 11?

19 Oct 2002
What up with FF, some youtube vids. say unavailable then the missing plugin pop up comes up, but some load after that and play, some don't. Not at all on others they play like no prob., I have flash plugin so not sure whats up. I have the latest stable flash though flash aid.
Hmm, are you 100% sure that your flash plugin is working? It could be that it isn't loading any flash videos but then some load in HTML5, perhaps.

I've heard a lot of people say that the latest flash player is a crock of... well, you can finish that yourself. And in this case "latest" might as well be the same as "last ever" :(
Hmm, are you 100% sure that your flash plugin is working? It could be that it isn't loading any flash videos but then some load in HTML5, perhaps.

I've heard a lot of people say that the latest flash player is a crock of... well, you can finish that yourself. And in this case "latest" might as well be the same as "last ever" :(

Sounds like I should downgrade, how do I do that & which to? It is so odd that Flash for Linux is so sucky. I thought youtube was going to be all HTML5 now.
I went to the trail page my browser supports all accept the h.264, but really my flash is skrewed some vids. that played before don't. The vids. that don't play give me the install missing plugin. So today 7/16 I removed 11 & installed 10.2, youtube vids. are just a black squares no audio no nothing, but flash is installed, I went to a site with a flash anime, it is there working fine & another site with flash vids. does fine. Fixed it was a conflicting plugin.
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