Firefox Download Problem

12 Feb 2006
Interent Keeps Disappearing, In DESPERATE need of Help

have been using firefox for a while now and am loving i except from one thing, everytime i download a file that is large, say takes over 30mins it (i think) some reason stops downloading and i no longer have the internet until a reboot. Is there anyway to fix this as i hate having to use IE.

Im sure its firefox as i had the prioblem before and couldnt work out what it was, and now i have the problem again and it works so far in IE.

also very off topic but is there a way to make MSN 8 use firefox for emails and not IE?

ok turns out its not just firefox its also IE, will try opera as i have that too and see but im sure it will do the same thing, anyone know why after like 30mins of downloading from a browser it losses internt connection yet on like emule it can go forever?
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anyone? this is really really bugging me as i keep loosing my internt connection after a while, cannot say how long as im never really here to watch it go.

It seems to not only happen when downloading from a browser but also now when downloading anything from emule for instance.

What ami to do to stop this?
addy_010 said:
but also now when downloading anything from emule for instance.

well it's quite evidently not a problem with firefox then..... :p

try updating the drivers for whatever network card or modem you have?
how do i find out what router i got? i type i nthe IP address and it give me sum configure screen but i cant find the name of it.

also the rest of my family doesnt have problems and defiently doesnt have the latest drivers
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well assuming you're all connected throught the same router, you can rule that out. so the problem seems to lie between your pc and the router. this could a be a driver problem with whatever adapter you are using to connect the 2 (ethernet or wireless). or the problem could even be software related by either a firewall misbehaving or some malware. try and post as much info as you can about your setup and any firewall/av software you have running. :)
ok well here goes with everything i can thnik of, would help maybe if you could post what would be needed to be known.

i used to have (i think its called) sunbelt Kerio firewall but it was saying its gonig to expire and it had an icon next to the clock so i got rid of it and went back to windows firewall. Also apparently routers have really good firewalls anyway so i firgured no point in having a great one myself.

my router i beleive is called " Linksys BEFSR18 "

says by going to network connection that im connecting using " Marvell Yukon 88E8001/8003/8010 " I guess this must be the network card thing. I dont think i have a PCI slot network card, just the place on this (i think its called) ISO bit which connects straishg to the MB, its next to some USB slots

i recently changed some forwarding settings on the router by typing in the IP address in firefox so that emule could work better. But this problem happened before this, but much less often, it happens after like 30mins - 1 hour now, but before was only when i tried to download ubuntu for another old PC.

I noticed it for the first time after i downloaded a theme for windowsxp called orion_glass, but i changed it to one called i think royale vista as it looked the same but the text was much better laid out.

bout all i can thnk of. anything else needed to be known?

How wuld i check for any updates of the marvell driver?
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sorry for bumping this thread but im really in desperate need of help to sort this out.

Other things i can think of that might be useful are that as from i think friday i get this windows is not genuine next to the clock, but again the interent has been going before that, however not even close to as much as now.
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