Firefox Fonts are crap compared to Safari

7 Nov 2002
Over there
Right, im having many issues with my recent transition from Windows to MacOSX. My latest and most irritating one that I cannot for the life of me solve is to do with the fonts in Firefox.

If you click this picture :: - you can see what I mean.

On the left is OCUK in Firefox, and on the right is the same thread in Safari. The fonts in Safari are much crisper than in Firefox. Firefox is making some fonts, especially the smaller fonts like forum usernames etc really hard to read and its doing my nut in. I have played around with the settings Sys Prefs regarding font smoothing and nothing changes it. Am I missing something really obvious?

Im using a MacBook Pro 15" btw. Please help me urgently! Thanks!
Tabbed Browsing ?

I want to use Firefox. I have just made a discovery!. I have my work Mac running MacOSX Panther 10.3.9, with the latest Firefox - the fonts on that are fine - and im using a TFT flat panel.

So its either something to do with Tiger, something different from Panther, or something to do with the MacBook itsself.
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