Firestick losing connection after 10 minutes...

28 Oct 2011
Pretty much on the nail, just had Full Fibre in, tried wired with Cat 7's to both smart TV's and the wi-fi, speed tests show there's nothing wrong with either as i'm getting anything up to 200mpbs when running speed tests thru the FS on both smart TV's, also for example YT via built in smart TV app is flawless, try it through the FS and it's 10 minutes and lost connection, tried the usual fixes, router reboots fiddled with some settings etc to no avail. (Well over 1.5GB of free space by the way).

PC is flawless wired and via wi-fi getting aorund 480 Mpbs (i'm on a 500 package).

Both TV';s have been struggling to recognise it at times, and I think performance was degrading when I was on regular 67mbps BB, but nothing like this. Oh yeah my stick is from 2020 -

Fire TV Stick 4K Ultra HD​

I have a 4K max coming tommorow so I can test alongside it.

Any ideas?
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I've gone through two Firesticks, but to be honest I don't particularly like them. I find it slow to open up and the OS can be slow sometimes as well. Many occasions where it will freeze and I have to power off and back on.

Seriously considering an Nvidia Shield instead. Would be handy if you could do Blu-ray through it somehow, but it's not a deal breaker.

Sorry if that doesn't help, but it's more to say that you aren't alone with issues.
I've gone through two Firesticks, but to be honest I don't particularly like them. I find it slow to open up and the OS can be slow sometimes as well. Many occasions where it will freeze and I have to power off and back on.

Seriously considering an Nvidia Shield instead. Would be handy if you could do Blu-ray through it somehow, but it's not a deal breaker.

Sorry if that doesn't help, but it's more to say that you aren't alone with issues.

Yeah, I take your point they're not great but my brothers works fine with snail net, on an ancient router. Very stange. I can only think it's a stick on its way out. I'll know more over the weekend.
Have you got them plugged into the TV power source or external? I've found some TVs don't supply enough power from the usb ports (despite saying otherwise).

I know this doesn't directly solve your speed issue, but I've had it refused to load the OS correctly or run painfully slow without the correct power.
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