So I have a BigNG fan controller that I really like and sadly its FTDI and AtMega16 chipsets got fried due to an incompatible modular PSU cable with inverted 5V and 12V pinout. I think I can manage to replace both chipsets, but I don't have the firmware for the AtMega16. Does anyone know where I could find this or could provide it for me (it should be extractable through the service pins)? Thank you!
So I have a BigNG fan controller that I really like and sadly its FTDI and AtMega16 chipsets got fried due to an incompatible modular PSU cable with inverted 5V and 12V pinout. I think I can manage to replace both chipsets, but I don't have the firmware for the AtMega16. Does anyone know where I could find this or could provide it for me (it should be extractable through the service pins)? Thank you!