First bike, bad idea?

6 Sep 2008
Near Hull
I did my direct access and passed 2 weeks ago, now i'm desperate to get out and still have no bike.
Would it be a bad idea to buy a bike with slightly higher milage? i've seen a nice zx6r, but it has 31,000 miles, but it's only £1200.
really like the bike and can get it this weekend, Just wondering if it's a good/bad idea?
apart from zx6 maybe been a bad first bike, is their anything i should look at specifically when/if viewing this bike?

well that's eased my mind a bit, i'll be taking my dad with me who's ridden for quite a while now and has owned a zx6 before. so hopefully between us we should be able to check everything over fully and my dad should know if anything is wrong with as he will have to test ride it due to me not having the insurance. I've ridden a zx6 before (before passing my test) and know i like the bike, just need to find the right one qutie cheaply now.
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