First Bike Help

10 Feb 2012
North Ayrshire, Scotland
I am getting my first bike soon (within the next month or two) and was wondering what you guys think I should get. I prefer sports style bikes to cruisers. I'm looking for a 125 that comes in around the £1000 mark. It will be my first (Road Legal) bike although I have a lot of riding experience from motocross. Could someone please recommend a bike for me? The two bikes I have been deciding between so far are

Honda VT Shadow 125 (A little too expensive)
Yamaha YBR 125
I had a YBR '09 and it was a great learner bike. Pretty forgiving on the gears but still decent enough to throw about on the road.

Unfortunately it's the only decent 125 I've ridden so I can't part much more advice than that.
2001 NSR125R, Either an Italian Import or an English one. 2 stroke but reliable & good for 85+ depending on the size of the jockey. You want one with around 15-20k on it thats had a recent top end rebuild.

Being a motorX rider I'm expecting you to be familiar with 2 strokes & a bit handy with a spanner if need be & able to ride from the off, Correct me if I'm wrong. :)
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