First Bike

2 Jan 2010
Hey guys, i realize you probably get asked this quite a bit but i want to buy my first bike and i want to know what your thoughts are on what to buy.

Little bit of information about me etc, i'm 20, about 6ft 3, weight about 15st and play on buying this to commute to a placement that hopefully i will be getting which is about a 80 mile round trip.

Would just like to get everyone with a lot more experience than me on what to get.

full license? or learning ect

anything four stroke and japanese would be good in my books,zx6r er6 or similar
Sorry guys, forgot to mention that yeah, i just passed my driving test last week and waiting for my licence to come to get my cbt done, i was also wondering about options there too, getting my restricted licence without a 125 etc.
You can get a restricted bike licence without owning a bike. All you do is take lessons/course which will including using the instructors bike provided.

Depending when your birthday is, I would wait till your 21 and buy something like an er5/er6 or something similar. You could get one on a restricted bike licence but your not far off doing your DAS so.
That's another problem i have, my birthday is in February meaning that the new laws would be in place by the time i would be able to do DAS. I'm wondering if anyone knew if the old laws still apply if you start your licence.
Get your restricted license this year under the current regime and you'll be entitled to an unrestricted license two years from then no matter what the law is for new riders at that point.
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