First Bike!

26 Jan 2004
North East, UK
Just bought my first bike today arrives next weekend :D

Kawasaki ER6F 59 plate with 4500 miles on the clock, just need to get the ground anchor installed and a few bits and bobs for the garage ready for her arriving, cant wait! :D
Cheers for the tip Will go get some

My mate bought an er6 - loves it but within a week of getting it home he got all the fixings changed under warrenty as most had corroded (it was the middle of winter mind and he was never to keen on cleaning the thing). If you are riding in the winter even just a bit just hose it down when you get home to get the road salt off.

ACF50 is the bomb though. When you get her home, give her a polish so she's clean and shiny then get some carrier bags and mask the braking surfaces then spray the ACF50 over the bike and wipe a clean rag over to create a thin thin film. Dont worry too much about the paintwork but make sure you work it onto the fixings and fastenings and any exposed metal surfaces and leave the bike for 24 hours for it to dry - preferably under a cover or in a garage where it wont get dusty. Try not to get too much of it it on the down pipes or the exhaust can or any of the rubber hoses.

Do this every 3-4 cleans and your bike will look good as new when you eventually come to sell it. During the winter heavily douse it with ACF50 again and rub it in and other than washing the worst of the salt off with a hose when you park up, don't bother cleaning to until spring. Sure it'll look pretty gungy by the end but under that gunge is a pristine motorbike that will glimmer when you give it a spring clean :)
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