First Camara?

7 Mar 2005
Birmingham, UK
Well im really interested in taking photographs and always have been really but have never been able to afford getting a good camara. I am beginnning to look into good quality camaras and i was wondering if people suggest some good quality first camera.

Been looking at Canon's mainly, the 300d and 350d, Joe T also said to go to the shops and hold the camera's as you have to be comfortable holding it, and all are different:)

I would most likely be using the camara to take pictures of buildings, moving cars, scenery and in and around town shots. Anyone able to help me in my quest?:p
Hey Tinkerbell!

Well, I myself have the 350D and am very happy with it, but the only downside is sometimes you have certain lens' which are better for certain situations which makes it a tad expensive.

For example, just so I could take photos in low light at gigs, I spent £60 on a lens, and that is the cheapest lens Canon do.

It is possible to get a 350D and a "Walkabout" lens that some guys on hear refer too.

Another option is to get a "bridge" camera, this is a camera thats higher than your average consumer camera, but below the DSLR. my friend has a Canon IS S2 or something like that (Can't remember the exact model number!) but that is an amazingly good camera with and awesome lens (Along with zero centimetre macro mode that is stunning!)

Hope I helped!

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