First car

9 May 2005
South East
Well, ive just got an early birthday present from my parents.

Its a car :D you would have gathered, itl be sitting in the garage untill im 17, which is in 2 weeks. Im absolutely content with it.

Its a Nissan Almera 1.8E Automatic. Done 35.000 and made in 2001. My parents bought it from Cargiant last week :D

I dont have any pics, but this is what it looks like:


Except mine is white.
can i ask...why automatic mate? I'd say a manual is the best idea for a first car as it allows you to properly learn in a manual, and thus you can drive any manual in future.

Yeah, why an auto? Surely that is going to be a hinderance to learning how to drive?

(unless of course you medically need an auto, in which case, VERY nice first car!)
Not too bad for a first car, but why an auto?

Would it not be better to have a manual as a first car, to get used to it, once you have, it will be easy to go back/forwards, but it'd be better IMO to get used to a manual first.

Unless of course you have some medical reason you can't drive a manual :)
Luke15 said:
My parents just bought it due to the price.

But i decided to learn in this and a BSM car.

But driving your car is going to be of little to no help at all. You wont be practising clutch control, learning engine braking/downshifting, or even learning what gear to be in and when.

Auto for the lose as a first car :(
[TW]Fox said:
It looks good except for the fact you really DO NOT want an automatic for your first car :(

How much?

My parents didn't want to tell me the price, but from my head knowlege around about 3500 to 4000£.
Luke15 said:
My parents didn't want to tell me the price, but from my head knowlege around about 3500 to 4000£.

Cargiant have 2003 ones one there for £3995, infact blimey @ the awesome value of Nissan Almeras in general :o
You do realise that if you lean in an automatic, and take an automatic test you can't drive manual cars don't you? (Which really limits what you can buy in the future, unless you take a manual test down the line).

If you're learning in a BSM manual, and you practice in an automatic, it's going to throw you off quite a bit I reckon, as you can pick up some bad habits from driving an automatic, as you really need to get gear selection and anticipation correct.

Other than that, it's not a bad first car really.
Nice motor mate, enjoy it :)

Shame about it being an auto though, but you can't really say to your parents you don't want it though lol :p
Luke15 said:
It does 0-60 in 10 seconds so im happy with it.

Given that you have never driven a car in your entire life how do you know whether you'd not be happy with 12 seconds or whether 10 seconds will do or not :p
I drive around a lot with my dad in various cars :p

Since this is one of the biggest things they have bought for me, i really cant complain.
jamesrw said:
I thought the max engine size you can drive with a provisional is 1.6?

is that right?


I'm fairly sure there is no engine size limit when on provisional.
jamesrw said:
I thought the max engine size you can drive with a provisional is 1.6?

is that right?

Nope. The only restriction is wallet for insurance. :)

10 seconds must really really be pushing it, parkers quotes as 10.7, I can only get my mondeo to do 11 with the same engine size. :(

I agree with the automatic sentiments, plus I think manual is more fun. But its an alright car, is this the car with the little hooks in the passenger footwells for carrier bags? Must be a great car to take to the chippy! :D
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Kamerad said:
No. There are no restrictions on engine size

I dont think you can drive a V8 or V12 though (for obvious reasons)...

I agree with everyone else, having an auto while learning wont help you. I would probably leave and only use the BSM car, or it will take much longer to master the basics.
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