First credit card?

27 Aug 2003
West Midlands
Hey all, what would you recommend as a first credit card? I'm looking for something with a limit no higher than £1.5 (VMAX)... as some seem to go far too far!
obviously I won't need to transfer anything across, so no balance transfer percentages needed, but I'd like a fairly low APR rate.

I'm currently trawling the net to see what's best for me (filling out the "What's Best For Me" sections haha.
But do any of you have any recommendations apart from don't get one? :)


Edited to say, if possible maybe some to go to charity on everything I spend?
My main reasoning for wanting one, is that a lot of places that I seem to go to say "sorry we don't accept debit card, but there is a cash point over there" and well it gets rather annoying having to withdraw money!
There's no doubt at all that I'd be able to pay anything back that I spend, normally within a very small space of time, it's for those "just incase" moments for me. I don't do that much shopping or anything very often at all. So at most it may be used once a month.
2x1600 said:
another vote for egg here, had mine since the week of turning 18 and used it as a debit card in places that didnt accept solo or to use online gaining some financial protection.

I'm turning 18 in 10 days :) do you mind telling me what sorta limits you have etc? how quick did you receive it, I suppose you applied the day you turned 18?
Chronos-X said:
Please be careful :( IMO you're asking the wrong sorts of questions for a sensible plan going forward.

haha, I appreciate your concern. I'm more worried about the limit being too high for my needs rather than too low :) I've always considered myself to be good with money. Never owing, and never over spending so that I'm skint.

Plus if I start getting my credit rating good now, then it'll be good for me in the future.
LeperousDust said:
You have a silly low limit most probably, just get one from the bank if your going to pay it off in full every month. Offers are only really good to people looking to use them as loans. Your only just turning 18, you probably dont have a job, or part time work that pays under 4k a year, and no credit history. Maybe a .5k limit? bit more if your lucky? All these card providers may boast 2k limits etc... but when they check your history they'll either knock you back, or cut your limit. Also you have no investments of any worth to them for reposesment, ie house car etc...

I'm employed full time working for ICT support for the NHS. :)
LeperousDust said:
Sorry probably should have checked, just assumed you were in education =/
Well i'm working too presently, i started off with my card with a £500 limit, just one provided by my bank, but they kept increasing it as i paid it off every month on time =/ its now 2k, but i think its stopped there now. I've never used more than £500 in one go anyway, or thereabouts, like you want to, i just use it for convienience.

Doesnt matter which on you get, just: PAY IT OFF IN FULL EVERY MONTH (:p). Ask your bank for theirs, its probs easiest.

No need to apologise :)

I really don't think there will be a month where I don't pay it back in full. But if there is, I presume you just pay what you can? There must be a minimum payment (depending on how much is on the card?) I gather! And then the next month just has a bit of interest on it?
Cool, thanks very much for your help. I might take a look at what Barclays offer (ease of use due to internet banking with them?)
then explore egg and mint. Suppose this is only going to be a decision I can make when I turn 18 as I can see what they fully offer :)
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