First Cruise - Norwegian Fjords

20 Oct 2002
I have booked my first cruise (And my first actual holiday out of the country for about 15 years) with my mum and sister for 7 days to the Norwegian Fjords in May(P&O Iona). They have been on several cruises before and love the experience and have been on this one earlier in the year.

Has anyone been? The accommodation looks serviceable (Cabin has double bed, tv, toilet and shower) and the food looks pretty good. More after a break rather than experience so not really fussed about entertainment (Will take my laptop with a load of movies on and my switch) I will get off the ship at the scenic Norwegian towns with my mum and sister for a bit.

I have watched load of videos that are on YouTube touring the ship, the food etc and it looks just what I need. One thing I have noted though is like every cruise, if i want internet then its pretty expensive. Its currently about £90 for the holiday for the "Premium" internet which apparently is fine for streaming etc, i am not too bothered about movies but do watch a fair bit of YT.

Has anyone been? Anything to look out for (apart from, don't fall overboard) I don't think i get seasick, I only really used to get motion sickness when sat looking backwards on busses/trains.

Any help/advice would be appreciated.
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Great mate, thanks for the advice, i think you was in the similar position to me. Its not something i would have considered before (I just normally take time off work and vegetate round the house) but after my mum and sister told me and showed me what it was like i thought why not give it a try. Me being a singleton its a bit expensive for me on my own.

I dont drink anymore so the drinks package isnt really appealing for me, think i will take a couple of bottles of flavoured water or pepsi max for when i feel the urge. Other than that i will just drink tea, coffee, juice or water.

Might have a curry or one of those posh burgers but that only look like they are a fiver or tenner. (Although some of the steaks look like they are about £40 :eek: )

There seems to be only about £30-40 difference with the standard and premium wifi so will look about at reviews of that.

I am not bothered about the excursions currently as i am a bit strapped for cash but will see getting closer to the date.
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Thanks for that. I will ask my sister what the drinking water is like, i am sure she said that there were filtered drinking fountains about the place that was fine.
LOL I have been told to take a jacket, shirt and tie by my mum and sister but they didnt say it was proper formal.. I will make sure i have a good movie to watch in the cabin that night.
Thanks, that’s some great information and advice.

I am not a drinker so I have no interest in the drinks package.
As this is the first time I have been away for years I am just after a relaxing time. Due to health issues I am not able to do the glacia excursion, maybe if I go again.

As it was a Black Friday deal, we have internal cabins so no balcony I am afraid.

I will see how flush I am towards the date if I can get the internet package. I will take my switch and laptop with a load of movies on so hopefully that will suffice.
LOL i think my mum was on the Iona when that happened on the Britannia. There are people out there that will abuse the drinks packs and cant handle it and cause trouble. The security staff are apparently fantastic if anything like this ever happens. If it happens on the trip you normally get booted off at the next port and have to make your own way back to the UK.
I did enjoy but didnt see the aurora. It was pretty overcast and chilly most of the time and then we missed the final port because of extremely strong winds so had 2 days at sea for the last 2 days and the weather was really nice. Coming out of the fjord from Olden was fantastic just cruising up as it was starting to get a little dark with some areas of dense forest, snow capped mountains and the odd house in the middle of nowhere was great to see.

The food onboard was great and it was a pretty chill week of relaxing, rewatching some movies and going for food while looking at the scenery.
I was of the same thoughts but to be honest i would go on one again. My mum and sister asked me and i said yes and they asked if i would prefer somewhere hotter. To be honest i am not a hot weather person. If its sunny and clear then its fine if its flipping hot then i am not a fan. So who knows. I would be tempted with the 2 week one that goes between the UK and Canries at xmas if it was cheap enough but we will have to see.

Looking for next years cruise. Looking at the PandO Arvia Med (France, Spain and Italy) for 14 nights in April. Now to see if we can get a decent deal on it.
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