First "Decent" shots with my new camera

3 Mar 2004
Before going on holiday i bought myself an Exilim camera, never had a decentish camera before and here are just a few shots i took, any help on how i could better them for future shots would be greatly appreciated :)

i know they may need rotating a touch to make them line up, but ive just dragged them straight off my SD card ill touch them up a little/add borders at a later date if i like them enough :)
Image shack = popups :( People might be put off by that.

I like your second image the best - the black and white really works. Only problem is you've lost a bit of the texture on the card where the highlights are blown out.

It's by no means a bad image though!
Well, i dont really see anything wtong with those shots, the one of the playing cards looks really good, then shaprness of that shot is pretty nice.
I really like the playing card one :)
Nice and sharp and the depth of field looks nice to me.

(Sorry it's not constructive, but I'm by no means an expert) :)
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