first efforts

19 Nov 2002
go easy please, first post in photography, just got a new camera a couple of weeks ago after you guys inspiring me.

hmmm, would have posted couple more but imageshack appears to have died on me.

The apple is underexsposed. It could also do with a huge contrast/saturation boost. I had a little play here and it makes a massive difference.
Yeah, I played with in picasa to remove saturation, just wanted to try and get a hint of red and green in it.

edit I will post the original for comparison...

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That is so much better, has 10 times more impact now. As for the software, try and get hold of a secondhand copy of photoshop or even a copy of paintshop pro. They have better image manipulation options than picasa. It will allow you to control the color channels in more depth.

I'd say he went a bit far with it for my tastes, but its still good
may I ask what camera you used as I'm looking to upgrade from my S5000
Yeah I'm wondering what software to get. Might trial elements 5, sub £100 ideally, is elements ok?
The camera is a d200, did have a point and shoot minolta which went through batteries like nothing else on earth. ( went for the d200 as its weathersealed, good job too last weekend in skye, and living in the north of scotland)). When I took the apple piccy I had the d200 set to vivid. Have now toned it down...
dude, my camera takes pants images (bad compression) but photoshop CS2 makes it all better.
for me photoshop (and maybe GIMP if I didn't HAVE photoshop) is the only programme to use.
Vent, thing with photoshop cs2 is I dont think I'd make full use of it considering the price. Unless older versions are ok?
Maybe I'll try the gimp.
The GIMP is good. You can also get GIMPshop - GIMP hacked to look and feel like PS.

Nice photos, although I'm not bothered about the washed-out apple - the original looks far better imo.
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rabanthor said:
Vent, thing with photoshop cs2 is I dont think I'd make full use of it considering the price. Unless older versions are ok?
Maybe I'll try the gimp.
CS1 would be fine, as would the one before, I've used photoshop 7 that was ok too but I did find it harder to use than CS2
I don't think either are that wonderful, but in terms of A vs B I think the original has got more texture and feels more 'real'.

I certainly don't think the second version is straight off the camera - feels very over-saturated to me. Would that be Picasa's doing?
Oh right, interesting effect it's given you there. Looks better on my home monitor than it does on my work one but I still prefer the texture of the original.
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