First Ever Build - Supervision required :p

13 Mar 2011
Bada Bing
Right then, this is my first ever build. I have ordered:

- 2500k
- Noctua D-14
- 4gb Corsair XMS3
- Sapphire 5850 1gb
- Antec 300
- Corsair 600w Builder Series
- MSI GD65
- 500GB Caviar Blue

As i take delivery over the next week i will be taking photos and showing you my assembly.

Your job (:p) as seasoned professionals is to show me if i am going wrong anywhere before i make the mistake of destroying all my components in a school boy error!

To start us off, ive got a picture of my ram and cpu


I also got a second hand antec 300 with fans and a dvd writer already installed, but royal mail dropped it and ive been trying for two days to use pliers to reshape the corner back to being a corner! at the moment i cant even remove the side panel! bloody royal mail *mad*

UPDATE 1: 2/4/11

right then, i have decided to wait until i get the psu and test the fans and dvd drive, and then i will decide whether to return the case. I have used pliers to gently bend the metal back to a reasonable shape to get the side panel off.

got my delivery of the noctua d14 today :D



UPDATE 2: 5/4/2011

city link finally bothered to delivery my stuff, as well as DPD and the royal mail!




and the infamous ram to bump it up to 8gb :p


Update 3: 7/4/2011

ive got all my stuff now, im just going to follow the guide and hopefully if you see any issues arising early, you can point them out for me :)

the MSI GD65 that i got for a great price :D

and the corsair 600w :D

come to think of it - i love all my components :D

Update 4: 8/4/2011

First day of building today!

lots of pics for you!

PSU fitted

LOTS of cables!

drives fitted :)

All back back... apart from case :p

Case with all cables nicely managed :)

Start Step 3 of the building guide!

ooooh yeah! :D

porn on OC's?!

sorting out noctua d14 back plate

board waiting to recieve cooler and noctua lurking in the background

cleaned with IPA and with the mx-4 :)


decent clearance :)

very good clearance between the xms3 and d14

from the other side

is it ok to wrap the fan cables around to make it neater or are they going to melt :/

UPDATE 5: 10/4/2011

its all in the case

perhaps i should have chosen a smaller cooler...

MSI is my new favourite mobo manufacturer for neat little additions like this

the supercharger header

VERY messy front panel connectors


i need to order two back plates

noctua + 5850 = no space for plugging in cables :/
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Good luck m8 :). Don't hesitate to post and ask if you need any help.

thanks, i will definately be taking lots of photos as i go along and might even make a video to explain what i am doing so i can remember when i want to build my next one :p
Bloody hell - ive just shelled out £20 on an assortment of different types of screws and standoffs - last time i buy a second hand case!
Bloody hell - ive just shelled out £20 on an assortment of different types of screws and standoffs - last time i buy a second hand case!

Lol...hurry up and get to the requisite number of posts for the member's market. Next time just put up a 'wanted' notice and I'm sure half the people on here will have tonnes of spare screws and standoffs to send to you :p.
Ha you get what u pay for :P ( ha i should know have a lian li :P). But just make sure to ground urself before u install anything and ull be fine :P.
Oh and make sure u line up the cpu right, other than that it's easy :). Also always hold anything by it's side's just incase (again static) that goes for everything ram, cpu and gpu.

Btw with ur motherboard make sure u have the B3 stepping model.
Ha you get what u pay for :P ( ha i should know have a lian li :P). But just make sure to ground urself before u install anything and ull be fine :P.
Oh and make sure u line up the cpu right, other than that it's easy :). Also always hold anything by it's side's just incase (again static) that goes for everything ram, cpu and gpu.

Btw with ur motherboard make sure u have the B3 stepping model.

yep yep, thanks mate, i should say that ive been fixing pc's for years - ive just never built one from the ground up :p
One mini tip..

When putting your motherboard into the case, double check that you've got all the correct mounting pins in the case (no extra ones or any missing)

Then place the motherboard on top of them, now half tighten the outer 4 screws, make sure there's still a little room for it to move around.

Put the rest of the screws in, again, half tight. Once they're all in place, tighten them up.

If you don't do this, it can be a nightmare trying to get the last few in, and you can crack your motherboard if a screw puts too much lateral pressure on the board.
One mini tip..

When putting your motherboard into the case, double check that you've got all the correct mounting pins in the case (no extra ones or any missing)

Then place the motherboard on top of them, now half tighten the outer 4 screws, make sure there's still a little room for it to move around.

Put the rest of the screws in, again, half tight. Once they're all in place, tighten them up.

If you don't do this, it can be a nightmare trying to get the last few in, and you can crack your motherboard if a screw puts too much lateral pressure on the board.

mmm, nice, thanks - that will be useful :)

Im just trying to decide how im going to mount my noctua D14 - before or after i put the d14 in the case?

1) install heatsink backplate -> install heatsink -> lower motherboard into place

2) install heatsink backplate -> lower motherboard into place -> install heatsink
If it's got a blackplate, I install them before putting into the case

Without a backplate, it just bends your motherboard :D

Just take your time and ask on here if you're no 100% sure about something, people are always happy to help
i should think so, is the board ATX? or Micro ATX? pretty sure theres a screw near the top of the board near the ram slots that might be a tight squeeze.

i would go with my first suggestion though, i remember trying to fit a Titan fenrir into an Antec DF35 it was a nightmare with the board in the case not enough room and your Noctua is quite a bit larger ;)
i should think so, is the board ATX? or Micro ATX? pretty sure theres a screw near the top of the board near the ram slots that might be a tight squeeze.

i would go with my first suggestion though, i remember trying to fit a Titan fenrir into an Antec DF35 it was a nightmare with the board in the case not enough room and your Noctua is quite a bit larger ;)

It can be a nightmare either way. Heatsink first, lower mobo in is probably the better way to do it in a restrictive case, but you need a long screwdriver for the ATX mounting holes. They're not blocked off by the heatsink, but normal screwdrivers might not be able to fit between the heatsink and the case to get to them.

You have top and rear fans though, so take those off before you install the mobo and you have two handy holes to work with. You might find that you can fit your hands in through those holes to tighten the heatsink screws, so you can put the mobo in first and then do the heatsink.

Experiment and see :).
Just take your time and ask on here if you're no 100% sure about something, people are always happy to help

gl with build.

Thanks very much you guys, im getting the mobo, psu and hdd tommorow hopefully so ill upload a few more pics - im gonna wait till i get everything to start putting it together so i dont rush becuase i am excited :p
ARGH!!! my mobo, psu and hdd was meant to come today, i didnt leave the house at all and the tracking said it was loaded in the van ready for delivery... and at 8pm it said it was back at the warehouse!!!

I HATE city link!!! they have done this before to me!!!
ive gone update 2 in the first post

ALSO guys, with my MSI GD65, it says that i shouldnt use standoffs - can this be right?! perhaps i misread their taiwanese-english :p
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