First ever build

15 Nov 2013
Hi guys im new here im also new to pc building and pc gaming.

Ill post a question at the end if you could help me id be hugely grateful :)

This is a BOP (Build in progress)

Things bought so far:
CPU - Intel core i7 3770k
CPU Cooler - Arctic i30
RAM - Corsair Vengeance 2x4gb
PSU - Corsair CX600M
DVD drive - Asus
Case - Zalman Z11 Plus
MOBO - Asus P8Z77-V LX Motherboard

Still to buy:
GPU - Nvidia GTX 770 Classified 4Gb
SSD - 128gb Kingston
HDD - 1tb Wester Digital
Windows 8.1

Pictures :) (they where to large to put on thread, even with spoilers)

My question is, is my PSU powerful enough to run the GTX 770 Classified 4gb?

Thanks for any answer :)
That PSU should be plenty powerful to run that card on that system, you've no need to worry unless you decide you want to crossfire. Even so you might get away with that too, if it has enough connectors.
Your choice of PSU should be fine... I had the same one in my older rig and never had any issues with it...

Looks pretty beastly anyway, looking forward to seeing some more :)
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