First ever job in web development

25 Aug 2010
I managed to land a placement year with my Uni's web dev / internet assistance team. At the interview everything went okay (clearly) and they asked me some questions about all sorts like HTML, CSS, PHP and SQL. All of which I have covered a bit of in the past 2 years of study.

How ever I can't help but be incredibly nervous to start which is not until the 1st of October. I have not done too much PHP, and when I have it has been in group work so I have never been completely alone so to speak in my work.

Does anyone have any advice or can shed light on what it was like when you first started a real job in the industry?
Yeah I thought as much, I'm guessing they wont expect me to be "amazing" at everything right away but I have been polishing my skills using a load of different websites including w3schools. I have my own website and that which I manage myself and have done a fair bit of sqlDev work in the past year. I just don't seem to be able to shift the nerves though. The only bit of a relief is that there is two of us doing the placement year!
Something I've always wondered when learning a programming language, just when do you know the language?

Exactly this is why I'm nervous. Just a couple of days ago I come across something new to me when I was doing some work and it made me feel like I know nothing again!
Thanks for the reply's guys some great reassuring comments. It's nice to hear that even the experienced still use Google for reference now and then haha!

I have started a little personal project just to keep my mind on top of things but I think I may actually be slightly excited to start now!

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