First ever Mac, File Strcture WHOoo's..

30 Jan 2004
Hi all,

seems like I haven’t posted in ages, still read allot though, Anyways I’m getting myself a Macbook Pro after MWSF (my first ever Mac:eek::D ..) while I can still get the HE offerings. So I’ve been doing loads of research into OSX etc but there is one area I’m not sure on.

Which is:
I’ve read in a magazine that keeping your system drive as clean as possible under mac is good practise probably obvious I no. To do this under windows I use a system>media>work partition setup so I’m just wondering how this would work in OSX? I no you can create partitions using the disk utility but would this mean all of the nice features built into mac OS will become unusable because my files, music>documents>photos>etc are not in there designated folders??

Like in windows you get my documents>my music>my photos etc, but these never get used due to how I use my partitions so how does this work in OSX? And how would it affect the finder etc?

Sorry I’m a bit of a n00b on mac any help would be great, and if this type of thing isn't done on mac then some help/ pointers on how you guys setup your file structure and things like keeping your system volume clean of clutter would be greatly appreciated

Many thanks
You can move your music, pictures, movies on to any partition or drive you choose.

If you want access to them via Front Row then you'll need to make aliases (shortcuts) in the "proper" OS folders that point to the location of the files.

OS X runs scripts to defrag/clean the hard drive routinely, so don't worry about all that Windows jazz :)

Nice one EVH I was wondering about Dfrag as well, to many years with windows I think, anyways if its just a simple directory change then that should be fine..

Thanks for the quick reply
The default place for music (much like My Music, on Windows) is Macintosh HD, Users, Username, Music.

For example, If you had your music on an external drive (call it E:\) you would just make a shortcut in the Macintosh HD, Users, Username, Music folder that pointed to the real music on the E:\, and repeat for your videos and pictures.

In this case you'd have to have that external drive turned on, for it to work.. but with partitions it "just works" :)

That sounds really sweet, means I can have important but not always used files on an external and my regular stuff actually on the mac. I'm guessing you can have multiple shortcuts to various Pats and external drives in the default folders?

Cheers for your help EVH really helpful, I just can’t wait to get it now and start exploring its making me feel like I did the first day I got a pyter :D

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